Philosophy in Quantum Theory | Tim Maudlin

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Tim Maudlin outlines the philosophical insights hidden in quantum theory.

#quantum #physics #philosophy

In the early 20th century, certain observations were made that seemed to contradict the model given by classical physics. These new observations eventually gave rise to a new and controversial interpretation of reality: the Copenhagen Quantum Theory.

Why did Einstein claim that God didn’t play dice? What does it mean for two particles to be in an entangled state? Is the world necessarily deterministic, or is it possible that some processes are truly random? What is spooky action-at-a-distance, and how was it proved with simple maths? Can the measurement of a result affect the result itself? Is an electron a particle, a wave, or both?

NYU philosopher of science and author of The Metaphysics of Physics Tim Maudlin looks at the experiments of the early quantum physicists and the letters they exchanged, in order to provide a coherent and easy-to-understand history of quantum theory, and evaluate the many interpretations it has spawned.

Tim Maudlin is a philosopher of science who has produced influential work on the metaphysical foundations of physics and logic.

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What do you think of Tim's talk? Leave a comment below.


Wow I was really interested in this until I realised you were trying to get money out of me. Just put the whole thing on YouTube and monetise like normal people


This is a come-on. An ad teaser. As soon as it gets into any substance you have to pay money. Tim is great but the sponsor wants money to hear what he has to say.


Yay. An American Jean-Bricmont. A scientist who respects philosophy and tries to makes sure the concepts are clear.


A waste of time. The video ends abruptly, and you're then prompted to buy the full course.


reported the video for misleading text.


Natural philosophy is not something that can be derived from physical experiments. It guides and interprets the experiments. When you attempt to derive philosophy from experiments, all you get is a banal apology for whatever you wanted to demonstrate in the first place.


... :-)... I'm in the Copenhagen School! I have Copenhagen in my mouth almost 24 hours a day. It is one of the best plant medicines for ADHD, or just calming down.


I want to do a computer simulation of the collision of two molecules of nitrogen tri-iodide with two molecules of antinitrogen tri-antiiodide. What must be included in my simulation to get the big increase in entropy that I am expecting? I would suggest adding what I call tachyonic Brownian motion, but if I have that wrong, then let's hear other ideas.


Complementarity = Duality or the law of non-contradiction "Always two there are" -- Yoda.
Certainty is dual to uncertainty -- the Heisenberg certainty/uncertainty principle.
Thesis is dual to anti-thesis creates synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic.
Hegel's cat: Alive (thesis, being) is dual to not alive (anti-thesis, non being) -- Schrodinger's or Plato's cat.
Randomness (entropy) is dual to order (syntropy, predictability)
Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non-teleological physics (entropy).
The word entropy means 'a tendency to diverge'.
The word syntropy means 'a tendency to converge'.
Divergence is dual to convergence, differentiation is dual to integration.
Syntropy is dual to increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics.
Localization (convergence, particulates) is dual to generalization (divergence, waves).


Math works very well but must be in the right frame.


Regarding physical reality : Jimi Hendrix said music is all physical.... And I know this table is right here.


The universe goes by levels so must be light speed, the is not even enough for comunication from one star to another star so light speed must to multiplicate by levels each time it goes up one level is just one level and must to do it way to fast that we just cant read it.


Tim Maudlin said: “...we don’t know what quantum mechanics is telling us about the world...”
I disagree. I suggest that quantum mechanics is telling us that the world is created from an infinitely malleable, “mind-like” substance that is capable of being formed into absolutely anything “imaginable.”
In other words, quantum mechanics is telling us that the universe seems to be constructed from an extremely advanced and ordered version of the same fundamental substance that composes our thoughts and dreams.


link me the free source or reply and i'll give you my email and you can email it to me
