What If the Rebel Alliance Destroyed the Death Star at Scarif

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The Battle of Scarif helped the Alliance retrieve the Death Star plans so the Rebellion could win at Yavin 4. What If the Rebels Destroyed the Death Star at Scarif? Who would be the individual to land the one in a million shot? What would the effect of the destruction of the Death Star be? Would the Rebel Alliance find a way to win the war, or would the saving of Alderaan keep the Empire grounded?

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Rebels: "Well, that wasnt so bad. He really spent almost two decades on this piece of junk?"


"What do you mean they blew up the Death Star?"


Who's "they"?! What the hell's an aluminum falcon?!


Not gonna lie, Krenik's coverup explanation of project stardust being starlight beacon of on steroids sounds pretty awesome. I could totally see that happening in a wholesome time line. Maybe one where Papatine is killed in the fist few years of the empire. The jedi return, somehow discover the deathstar plans, capture it, repurpose it, and make it their new home

EDIT: WTF! He literally did this in the next video. No way he wrote it in that fast. He had to have already planned it


1. What if Sabine stayed loyal to the Empire and was given a place in Thrawns inner circle?
2. What if Hera was chosen to be Starkiller’s pilot?
3. What if Cham Syndulla adopted Anakin?
4. What if Jyn Erso was an imperial agent? (Doesn’t defect)
5. What if Doctor Aphra and Darth Vader fell in love?


"It's over emperor, we have the high ground"


With half of his star destroyer damaged or destroyed it makes absolutely no sense for vader stand around like an idiot just waiting to die. Vader just isn't that stupid. He'd at least try to escape at the very least.


What happened to the Jedi survivors. Since Kenobi didn't die and both him&Yoda would had initially sensed Vader's death and then Palpatine's death too. Most of the other trained Force users will feel the reduction of the dark side and will come out of hiding not afraid of even the surviving Inquisitors. Since there's no Palpatine, Exagol&Maw Research site won't get its regular logistical support. Also with Palpatine dead, you'd think that Kenobi would sneak back into the Imperial Palace/Jedi Temple. Palpy likes to keep the Jedi artifacts as trophies and this is something that Kenobi&Yoda can use to rebuild the Jedi order.


Before Watching Video:

Man, Palpatine's going to be SUPER pissed when he hears the Death Star got blown up before it was even totally finished, and before he ever got to use it.

Death Star blows up

Vader: "...oh man, Palps is going to kill me."


Now palpy will never be able to play the sponge bollock challenge since he lacks his giant bollock right now because of those silly rebels


Here's an idea: what if during the battle of corusaunt, Yoda or Windu never informed Obi-wan or Anakin of Palpatine's capture, and no one went to save him and fight Dooku?


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


What if Padme freed Shmi Skywalker from slavery?

What if Finn was a strandcast clone of Mace Windu?

What if Padme requested that Luke and Leia be sent to live with her family on Naboo?

What if Jar Jar was a Jedi?

What if Darth Vader clone Luke Skywalker?

What if Luke Skywalker encountered a hidden group of Bokken Jedi?


This about to change the ball game for sure


A New Hope has been around as long in this millennium as the last.

Star Wars: A New Hope Millennium Mirror Party 5/25/77-1/1/01=1/1/01- 8/10/24


Morishu tolari napa, alvarhem latheem tolor. Çendar povish, alar trinathi. Vohu serishi, ymanu empka. Galat-ap, andari prolu. Tohantaldi, emenpavi! 😊


This fan theory doesn't make sense because the Senators had no power at this point and couldn't affect any change even if they wanted to. It is why mere hours after the battle of Scarif, the Emperor disbanded the imperial senate.


What if after the Phantom Menace, Jango Fett freed Shmi Skywalker instead of Cliegg Lars freeing Shmi?


I liked the Alliance who finally did win. Kind of glad Luke never became a Jedi and just bonded with his sister. I did love Andor taking on a more leadership role him and Hera


Quite the plot armor to remove Vader out of the picture and not Admiral Rhadus nor Princess Leia since Vader cut the route of scape in a pinsir maneuver


Day 58 of asking for one of these ideas.
1. What if Jyn Erso survived and went onto fall in love with Luke Skywalker?
2. What if The Sith returned during the High Republic era?
3. What if cal and Merrin had a daughter?
4. What if the Combine from Half Life invaded during the Clone wars?
5. What if the Combine from Half Life invaded during the Galactic civil war?
6. What if the Daleks from Doctor who invaded during the Clone wars or galactic civil war?
7. What if Bo-Katan and Din Djaran fell in love?
8. What if the Jedi didn't forbit attachments?
9. What if the Yuzhan Vong invaded during the galactic civil war?
10. What if the Yuzhan Vong invaded during the First Order-Resistance war?
11. What if Kylo Ren never destroyed Luke's Jedi order?
12. What if the Cybermen from Doctor who invaded during the Clone wars or Galactic civil war?
13. What if the Cylons from the 2004 battlestar Galactic invaded during the Clone wars or galactic civil war?
14. What if Star wars and Star Trek were in the same universe?
15. What if the dimensional barrier crashed and all Sci-fi universes were flung together?
