California Moves To Protect Your Online Personal Information From Highest Bidders

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The state of California is considering a new law that would help protect your privacy while online. This move would make California the leader in online privacy in the United States. Ring of Fire's Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss this.

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When will our self serving politicians start serving all our interests and not just the wealthy special interest groups?


Wouldn't mind the data mining and selling of it so much if they gave me 60% of the cut.


Not many Americans are saying anything about this. When it really starts to screw them over only then will some of them say something.


This needs to ve in MSM more. So many people never heard of or don't even know much about net neutrality.


They need to make the question strait forward here. "Can we sell your information?" simple as that make it a "yes" or "no" button so it's clear and simple to the user.

Most people don't read the ELA on iTunes or anything really, so cut strait to the point.


It's definitely the free porn sites. Lol


I really hope this legislation passes. My state, Maryland, was considering some sort of legislation regarding online information privacy *&* cementing net neutrality around 2 months ago & it didn't pass. =( Considering that MD is run by Democrats, I don't understand what happened. I was SO disappointed.


OMG! This is so-anti business and unAmerican!! Proud Americans should stand up to protect the big businesses' right to buy their personal info!!


1) this law should mandate an opt-in system where the default state is no, and everyone currently using these sites would be put in the "no" category unless they say otherwise.

2) These fines needs to be stiff, like GDPR stiff.

As far as this being a commerce clause issue, I can see resulting in a potential lawsuit, but my response to these tech giants about how it's not possible to pinpoint a given IP address, my response is "congratulations, that's the point". When one state passes or intends sweeping regulations, like what California is planning to do with internet privacy rights, or with what Hawaii was aiming to do when it come video game lootboxes, that is the entire point, force the industry to go with the cheaper option of not doing this thing that would now be a violation, and make the fines so stiff that they threaten the bottom line. Alternatively, games/services that are in violation could be blocked from import.

And while I certain we'll hear something about "leave it to the markets to decide", I implore you to look back to the 1992 senate hearing involving the video game industry, it ended off with an ultimatum, "regulate yourself, or we will". When a market fails to effectively regulate itself, the government steps in. After that hearing, and up until EA's Battlefront 2 released, the only people complaining about how there isn't enough regulation in games are people that can most aptly be described as authoritarian loons.


I can tell you from coming from the pesticide industry and now having no large intestine just six years after I started they don't do any kind of training that you're talking about they don't say anything bad about that hardcore chemicals you're using nevermind mine Santo and all this other shit so I'm not sure what you're talking about this testing and stuff your we had to fill out a piece of paper to get a license that's all we had to do I had three of them myself. And this was in San Diego early to late 90s


Someone make a app to send fake data to these companies by the terabytes and over load there system.


Not true, they know where your IP portal is.


I don't like Facecrook or Mark Fuckaturd.


It's not private if it's for sale nothing is private


They won't have to worry about it much longer. Everyone I know is leaving California because of their bad policies and terrible economy. Before long, the only people that will be left here won't be able to afford internet in the first place. California is turning into a third world country. I know, I live in San Diego.


I hope this happens, but to be honest California has a huge tech lobby.


I had high hopes for this channel, guy is telling you they will lie before anything is been told and tell you what to believe, in my dictionary that manipulation, very FOX like. good riddance
