How UFS finally died in a nutshell

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idk short video on ufs

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kinda funny considering that they mock ujd and ulc when loading the menu, then they turned the game into whatever abomination this is


"ufs the ulc killer" ulc: ererer


The fact even UFS’s worst enemy was UJD and UJD got more players is wild
it’s honestly kind of sad, I had high hopes for this game, the devs didint give a damm about this game, 3 YEARS for this, 3 YEARS


Sad that This game could be the best svc in roblox but the devs ruined it with gamble systens


After bullying UJD for so long the game died lol


So about why UFS has more players, it's because sadly rng games are getting more and more popular rn, fore I beleive 3 reasons. 1: you can afk in them, which for people (at least for me) might give a sense that they're getting something done in a game while not playing it, and 2: the dopamine/endorphins that get released in your brain when you roll that 1/1million dusttrust or 1/1.2 million king multiverse is insane, which leads to 3: people want the rarest, not really for any reason but just because it feels good to own


The owner didn't like udertale anymore wich is why there was no updates/ this funeral update after all the parts to it are done the games officially over


UFS had all the tools to make a great game and they did all they needed was a low detail mode and balancing then boom the best SvC game but they screwed it up ik that the owner lost interest in undertale and wanted to finish UFS and make it polished but instead we got a rng game... And not even a good one its mid and i play rng games from time to time but UFS just was just a avarage rng game but ignoring that did i see a difference? Not really the game still has problems and is mostly a cash grab with loot boxes which is a shame cuz the models, UI and the attacks were amazing so i hope there will be one last update that fixes atleast some of the problems with the game but thats super unlikely. So yeah rip UFS
Moral of the story: just play a different SvC game


What’s crazy is that they have beef with ulc when ulc was the first to do this type of game(but not the original), yet they become a money hungry team in only a few months, the bullying on ujd was also annoying, but UFS didn’t really get to do any better.


Their mocking about ulc was for nothing anyway.
First gamepasses was literally a skins or emotions (we are not talking about horror) and the fact it was expensive as fuck it doesn't mean that because of "game is just released so its understandable"
Skins is just reskins, they won't change anything in your moveset or else
If you don't care about your own game thinking it's fine that is really hilarious.
Waiting for 3, *3* years or even damn more!
And for what? For the good looking game became a fucking rng
I hope they happy what they've done.

We was waiting for the undertale final showdown, but we ended up in undertale final gambledown.


the sol's rng popout and its consequences have been a disaster for the Roblox "experience" industry


One problem with UFS i had is too much menu transition. Trying to get skins in the base game takes around 3 transitions


no clue what went into someone's head to give ufs the rng treatment

(51 players playing right now)


To be honest i quit when they added outer bro was so op that it ruined the balance i liked the systems they put in place the roll feels nice and with each soul the speed is good unlike in ulc but the issues of lack of easy to get into characters do to most being combo based and the fact that the game never got better after the first couple of balance updates then when the april fools update came out it was over they rapidly lost players. I don't hate final showdown, but the updates ruined a once fun game, but hey, it at least made the last corridor pick up the slack again.


Ulc did care about their balance
Even tho they spend like 3-5 months to release an update
They actrually add alot of new character rework, alot of balance
Their game just kinda old and not too much new UI rework but trust me, they did put effort into their update


They getting cancelled due they don't added story shift chara 😢😢😢


Tbh I would say ulc killed ufs in an ironic twist of fate, but I don't think thats what happened. Ufs was indeed a killer, but they only targeted themselves imo. Also that game isn't even a svc anymore thats an rng game mixed with svc. Even if it still was one it's discontinued anyway


The thumbnail shake if I scroll it up and down tf???


I'm seeing a war in the purple guy comment, i feel bad for him


all the skins being locked behind either RNG gamemode or the loot crates (also RNG) was a really goofy decision they couldve had some of the newer skins that were cool be unlocked via quests or something which would have had the game active for longer. i also love how they're spending all their efforts into the RNG gamemode instead of actual updates to the game, it just feels like laziness on the end of the retiring devs

Overall UFS had some somewhat enjoyable gameplay, the models were good, gameplay was smoother than ULC and a bit more fun in my opinion but after some "balance" changes they made it's just gotten worse. UFS dev team is a mockery and I feel bad for the people who spent their robux on any of the gamepasses since the game's getting canned now
