Siim Land's Simplified Approach to Longevity

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Siim Land recently ranked at the top of the Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard, outperforming other well-known biohackers like Bryan Johnson, and Dave Pascoe.

The following interview explores Siim's thought process on the fundamentals of living a long life.


0:00 Intro
0:20 Childhood and growing up in Estonia
4:27 Childhood sports
6:32 Military and University
9:40 Blogging and Writing Online Content
12:57 How Siim Got into Longevity
22:04 Siim’s Exercise Protocol
29:31 Lab Testing/Bloodwork in Estonia
32:17 Sleep
39:13 Diet
45:23 Supplements
56:25 Being 29 in the Longevity Community
1:02:59 Bryan Johnson
1:04:54 Longevity retreat and upcoming books
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very refreshing to hear a simplified approach to longevity that is highly evidence based. Took a lot of weight that it is maby not necessary to take a 100 supplements 😉👍


This was so interesting and refreshing! Quite the counterpoint to the ‘usual’ biohacking and longevity school of thought. Comprehensive interview, I appreciate how many topics were covered.


Hey Andrew, this was a very informative episode on health & longevity. However, I like to say that it's hard to state that there is no certainty on the Bryant Johnson blueprint program. Simply because he has scientifically measured every area of his research very well. I would like to see someone come on your show and dispute it with real science and not just personal opinion or what they think is correct.
Love your content! 👍


Hey Andrew,

This is one of my first comments on YouTube, even though I've been using it for at least 10 years. I find your videos amazing—very informative, professional, and really enjoyable to watch.

Keep up the great work—you’re an awesome guy!

Best regards from Austria!


Yes! Thank you for interviewing those on the leaderboard. PLEASE interview some women! I’ve got no cortisol left and sibo… need guidance and inspiration from those who need to consider overdoing stress and balancing hormones etc ❤


I love this <3 btw i think he missed hyalyronic acid supplement he also takes


If you compile enough things centenarians ascribe their longevity to, you do find patterns. I did that.

11 said happy disposition/joyful
9 said travel
8 said eat well/sensibly
8 said humor
7 said dance
7 said good spouse/gratitude for good spouse
7 said pay attention to what is going on
6 said walking
5 said accept challenges and persevere
5 said be a good person
5 said good genes
4 said active
4 said active in interests
4 said be passionate about projects
4 said forget wealth
4 said fun-loving
4 said happy with yourself/your life/laugh at yourself
4 said kindness
4 said listen to people/different points of view
4 said singing
4 said stay busy

Also observing who lives long, it seems like people who have accomplishments they can be proud of, and can tell stories about, seem to live longer. It is probably partly happiness, and less stress about themselves, but it probably also helps them be more socially active and feel heard. Travel is a way to accomplish this without really requiring any special skills, or getting lucky in some other way, or having to dodge bullets or something.

All the exercise related stuff with more than one vote is stress relieving exercise, going down the whole list. Dancing, singing, walking (usually in the park or something), swimming, golf, and yoga. And you can see reasons these things may help. Falling and breaking a hip or femur is often a death sentence. Without surgery, I think it is 70% dead in a year. With, I think it was 30% dead in a year. And every year there after for more than ten years there is an elevated risk of death. Dance helps with coordination, and dancers should be much better at catching themselves and avoiding injury. It is upbeat. It is social. And it is exercise, of course. Probably mostly zone one and two. Singing has advantages too. It helps with lung strength, which is important because without a strong ability to cough, you can easily get stuff in your lungs which you can't get out, and it rots, causes an infection and kills you. This is not rare. This is one of the top causes of death for the elderly. It actually enters the lists in 14th place in mere 75–79-year-olds (Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids (J69)). 13th in 80-94. 11th in 95-99. And 10th in 100+

A lot of the rest is about having a reason to live and enjoyment living.

So, I do think it is useful. But just like anything in science, you need a decent sample size.

One odd thing. No one mentioned pets. Dogs can trip and kill, but there should be plenty of people that does not happen to. People certainly seem to like their pets, so it's odd. Maybe human companionship is just that much better, more engaging?


Hello brother I was taking a look at your earlier video on trying the sauna with advice from Andrew huberman I had 2 questions if you don’t mind answering them

1. When you made that video did you do 1 hour in the morning and 1 in the afternoon then go get bloodwork

2. If I bought a portable plastic sauna from Amazon would it work as good? Or should I try and build one


Great interview, do you know the name of the center Sim uses in India? I might want to go there too! Does he ever use GENOVA testing like the NUTREVAL in India or does he recommend another company for blood tests? Is NutrEval any good in his opinion?


What supplements do you take yourself?
