Reasons Why Postmillennialism Absolutely Matters - Dale Partridge & Joel Webbon

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Eschatology has become a focal point of much discussion in recent years. Most American Christians have been raised under the influence of Dispensational Premillennialism and are greatly unaware of the other orthodox positions. In this episode of Real Christianity, pastor Dale Partridge is joined by pastor Joel Webbon to cover the landscape of the end-times debate while also sharing the basics of their eschatological position—postmillennialism.




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Excellent intruduction not only to Postmilleniallism but to Eschatology in general.


Excellent high level view of end times views, thank you. I was raised by baby Christians, saved during the 70s Jesus movement/revival and never had any deep theology to lean on. I'm SO grateful I was born to saved parents, but I've realized I must learn and truly understand an grow and live out my Faith. Both of your ministries, as well as ALL ministries you mentioned at the end, have been an incredible blessing. Praise God


Two of my favorite reformed postmillennial Bible teachers, together. That was a treat. Thank you pastors. I am learning a lot from you.


Loved seeing Joel in your studio, Dale! Great discussion.


Thanks for this episode. Even though I'm Amillennial, over the last 3 years I've come to love preaching and teaching from ministries that I now realise are all Postmillennial. Postmils like Tom Foord, Joel Webbon, & Jeff Durbin seem to preach and teach with a conviction that the gospel is powerful to convert people, and that Christianity can and should change society.

I don't know for sure, but I suspect that a lot of churches here in Australia are Amillennial. When the "pandemic" happened in 2020, the vast majority of Australian churches did whatever the government said, including closing churches for long periods of time.

At some stage, I'd like to look into the resources you recommended in the last couple of minutes of the video to study the Scriptures used to support Postmillennialism.


I am a HUGE supporter of your ministry. I do have to share that what concerns me with this discussion is the lack of scripture being used to support any of these positions. There was SO much reference to the theologians that hold each position but we should not follow people, we follow Christ and the Word and there was nearly no reference to scripture to point to which position is most biblical. How do you discuss eschatology without consulting scripture?


I wish there was more unity among the differing camps. We all believe Jesus is coming back in the future. We all believe we are commissioned to share the Gospel. We disagree on the timing relative to other events which may or may not even take place as we think. All the systems have short comings and I look forward to seeing Jesus surprise us with the real itinerary when he returns. I'm sure we will all be surprised much like his first coming.


Polycarp wrote on it way before Darby. If you are unaware, Polycarp is an apprentice (follower) of John the Revelator which means he probably heard the idea for a pre-tribulation rapture from John himself.


It would be nice to see a segment where the Historic (Puritan) Postmillennial view ["The Puritan Hope" by Iain Murray] is contrasted with the Postmillennial view held by many today (Wilson, Durbin, White). It appears that the modern "Postmillennialist" is really an optimistic Amillennialist.


Great informative discussion, Brothers! 🙏🏼❤️


Replacement Theology was and is always about the Church replacing the Jews, and this is not Biblical.


He is lying about how previous generations interpreted eschatology. Early first century church fathers 200AD believed premillennialism as the correct eschatology. Postmillennialism came along later in the 1600...


The truth is simple... Revelation 20 says that during the millennia Satan will be chained in the Abyss unable to deceive the nations until the end of the millennia. During that time, the saints will have already been resurrected and will rule and reign with Christ.

What kinda complicates it, is the fact that Jesus already reigns on the throne above all thrones... but at this time, Satan is the ruler of this world. Can you say in the last 2000 years that there was a single millennia (whatever length of time that represents) when Satan wasn't deceiving anyone on the entire earth? More than than, how many resurrected saints have you seen in the flesh ruling and reigning with Christ? We haven't seen the millennial reign of Christ yet, though we can see His reign now, while we together with Him wait for our enemies to be made a footstool.


Hi, I've been amil for about 12 years. Can you recommend any book or video that discusses the main summarized points of difference between amil and post mil ? or at least a brief summary of the main scriptures used and their interpretation. The Late great planet earth version of post mil ha ha ha... teasing... but Thanks
Studying Post Mil is on my do to list. I have a couple of books waiting on the shelf.


One thing I never hear discussed in any Post Mill proselytizing: how do you guys deal with Israel
(Nation, ethnic, and land) in the end times and kingdom ?


The name dispensationalism is recent but the doctrine has always been there. Saying dispensationalism is new is like saying the doctrine of the Trinity came two hundreds years after the NT was written.


Have you checked out Johnny Enlows position on seven mountains. He would be good to interview:)


I absolutely agree with some of what these guys are saying and absolutely disagree with other parts. I believe the Kingdom of God is already, and it is most influential when we understand the power for change that can come from the bottom up. but leaders matter too and I think we get the leaders we want too often and too often don't understand what we need, too. I like this understanding of a righteous leader, "A righteous leader is someone who can lead you in a direction you never would have wanted to go or been able to go left to your own devices, but when you get where they are leading, you found it was well worth the journey." I think we all need to awaken to our responsibility to follow the Holy Spirit's leadership in the Kingdom of God, no matter our position in social structures. I've seen amazing things happen all the way up to the top of an organization when the least in the organization obeys God's leadership.

I disagree with their simple definitions of the different categories. As a person who would put myself firmly in the premillennial side of beliefs, I know I'm not alone in believing that the Kingdom of God is already here. From my point of view, we have a very important job of being the bride, finding the bride, and making the bride ready for the wedding day, under the leadership of Christ. The millennial reign is defined by Chapter 20 of Revelation as a period where Satan will be bound up and cast into the Abyss and unable to deceive the nations for the entire millennial reign while those who died in faith will reign on earth with Jesus. Satan will once again be released at the end of the millennia for a final rebellion. Look throughout history... can you find a millennia (however long that may represent) where no where in the entire world is Satan deceiving at least someone for an entire millennia? I am premillennial. I believe Christ's Kingdom is already and it is in me and it is in many through out the world and we are a real entity whose main job is to trust Jesus and find out who we are. I believe right now Christ sits on the Throne above all thrones, but that right now Satan is the ruler of the air (the worldly world). I believe we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and by not loving our lives even to death and we have the millennial reign to look forward to and much much more and we have a very important job to do right now in His kingdom already.


Thanks guys. Interesting. So i'm an amil product of Steve Gregg's views. He is nothing like most of the pessimistic points you guys talk against. Do you know of other amil teachers who are more optimistic?


Really helpful video however one criticism is I wish there was more scripture in this discussion. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like premils use much more scripture.
