One Of The Most Common Charismatic Heresies

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Pastor Joel Webbon and Justin Peters discuss the #1 heresy promoted by Bill Johnson and Bethel Church: The Kenosis Heresy.

*This is a replay of one of our most popular videos.

*Join us for our RIGHT RESPONSE CONFERENCE: “Theonomy & Postmillennialism”
May 5-7, 2023 | Georgetown, TX
SPEAKERS: Dr. James White, Dr. Joe Boot, Dale Partridge, and Joel Webbon

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#justinpeters #heresies #theology
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This is very timely. I was praying on what to say to a sister in Christ who is deeply involved in the Charismatic movement and this video popped up a few hours later. Thank you for all you do for the kingdom!


This is another good video!

Please do one on British Israel. I have been learning about Christian Zionism since 2018. Just when I think I have it down, more names are dropped and here I go again. The rabbit hole keeps getting deeper!😂


Thank you, brothers

Kind regards Kim


Quote: Heaven isn't about streets of gold and mansions; it's about being with someone you love FOREVER!


Stephen Sizer has an excellent book on Christian Zionism. Or better yet, you might interview him on your channel.


It puzzles me why people that claim to be Believers continue to lessen Christ and His works. They demolish the edifice upon which their faith is supposed to rest. Such self-destructive behavior is bizarre


It’s weird to see a pre-millennialist Justin Peters fellowshipping with post-millennialist Joel Webbon.


WOF types need to hear someone like Voddie Baucham with that thundering voice reading from Revelation 19. Jesus is so far beyond us, the human mind can't even fully conceive of Him. To say that we are just like Jesus is a damnable heresy straight from hell.


Hogwarts school of theology- that’s a polemic that even Luther would applaud.


"...there's no Joe Biden!" That's awesome


Thanks Joel and Justin! Another version of this false doctrine is where the pastor says that Jesus kept his Godly nature (love, compassion, etc) but he gave up his powers ( omnipresence, omnipotence etc.). I think I know the answer but does someone have a refutation for that ?


This must be somewhat old since Beni Johnson has since met her maker


Bill’s wife passed away.

This is not even mentioning the marcionism…His saying Jesus is perfect theology. No one would want to be heard disagreeing with that. It is what he means by that, is that many things that God has revealed about Himself in the Old Testament are out the window.

God bless friends.


The kenosis heresy is definitely the favorite of false teachers. If you or Mr. Peters could do something on Dan Mohler that’d be great. He is closely tied to Todd White, but is much more low key


I’m with the Word faith movement & the Holy Spirit led me to go to Charis Bible College in Colorado, founder: Andrew Wommack, who’s great friends with K.Copeland & Bill Johnson & Jesse Duplantis & Kenneth E Hagin… — And i got baptized there at the age of 14 and got freed from my dark world. My life was transformed from Andrew Wommack Ministries… God Did It. During Covid-19, I refused to take the vaccine because of Psalm 91 & 1 Peter 2:24, & Galatians 3:13, & Romans 8:11. Never caught covid and haven’t been sick for the past 2 years. Oh God also helped me skip grade 8 and gave me wisdom in 2019, when teachers from middle school doubted me and labeled me a failure… God also gave me a desire to go to Charis Bible School and took care of me and provided shelter and money (random ppl gave me 100 dollar bills from time to time) and abundance of Godly friends… God also led me to listen to ministers like Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, Orak Roberts, Bill Johnson, Todd White, K.Copeland… ————— Idk what y’all are on, but I’m a believing believer with THE Spirit of God in me. I’m young 17 and I love GEN Z and I love Trump & USA as a Canadian. I love K.Copeland. My eye vision is 20/20 clear. I have the mind of Christ. I have the life of God in me. I am vaccinated with the blood of Jesus & proud fringe minority with unacceptable views! Learner for life, never complacent about God’s love, healing, and humility (James 4:5-7). I’m a victor not a victim. I’m living over 120 years old. I don’t believe in getting sick. I’m blessed and highly favoured and loved by God. WUssup with you — Wanna talk, dm my Instagram @ezstyll


Mark 16:15-18

He (Jesus) said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”


So Christ isn't my 'homie'?


How many certified miracles have any of these wealthy frauds ever actually worked? Sin and the need for repentance is seldom if ever mentioned. Miracles will never happen except according to God's sovereign will.


More open season on Bethel.
Whether you agree with nonsense presented as fact or not
you cannot know intent.
You must know what you are saying is not true.
The Apostle Paul condemned slander and said that we are known as Christian’s because we love one another.
Enough said.

Is this what Jesus meant when He said by their fruit you shall know them?
Justin has got so caught up in judging and condemning people whose doctrine he doesn’t agree with,
he cannot see that he is talking nonsense.
You have made an idol of your ministry.
Now I know how Jesus feels.
No point in telling you.
You are not listening.


This is a false equivelency! You guys accuse a vast majority of people who are Pentecostal or Charismatic as have these abhorent beliefs! I have been a Pentecostal minister for over 48 years and have never preached a sermon nor taught any of these strange doctrines! Neither has any of the ministries I have been associated with. I call on both of you to repent of the arrogance of your positions regarding a very large group of people who have NOTHING in common with the Bethel NAR groups!
