DV Lottery DV2020 || Healthcare Insurance requirement update

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This video is mainly for those DV2020 selectees going through interviews in November or December 2019. The recent requirement for healthcare insurance seems to be going ahead, so this video should be viewed with a related article at my blog (link below). If you are going through an interview soon, this will be worth watching. However it is a long video - and the article may be faster for some of you.

Here is the article - there are links to all the information shown in that article.

And this is the earlier article.
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Excellent Simon. I am FULLY aware of what you are saying and I am TOTALLY prepared for the interview in case we are chosen. Me and my wife have what it takes to succeed on this particular request. Odds are related to the interview's selection. I lived in the US for many years and I know how critical is to sustain/demonstrate Health Care insurance when living there. On God's hands indeed to win the lottery. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts!


Dear simon
I'm 2020 DV winner with case number AS000101**

I got email to submit my documents from KCC on oct 7th and forwarded my documents to KCC on oct 14th. But after i submitted my documents i realized there was a mistake in notary copy of my marriage certificate. My citizenship number was wrong in notary copy (should be 199 but there was 119). I submitted the notary copy of my marriage certificate only not the original copy to KCC. I got auto reply from KCC after submitting my documents but I haven't received the document complete mail till now which is why I'm concerned about this. What can i do in this case ? Should I resubmit my corrected documents or wait for the document complete email from KCC ? Your suggestion will be much more valuable to me.

Thank you.


You probably meant to say, under travel.state..., it list those who won' t be required to have health coverage because it say except


Hi mr brit, i'm sorry, I know that a lot of people asked you this question, but I reused a photo from last year and I have been selected, do you think that they can deny my Visa the day of my interview? Or did any one that you know get rejected the day of the interview, please respond sir I'm so worried


Hi! I have a question, Im in college now(In my secod year ), but i didn´t entry the university by the tradicional method, I study 10 years (is called ESO in Spain) and then i did 4 years more of vocational education(Is called FP in Spain) in order to entry university, so here in Spain that is a equivalent of 12 year highschool education, do you think i can enter the dv lottery with that, and if so, what box do i have to check in my form in order to be selected (because i already did it and i checked the highschool degree education box, since it is the equivalent in my country).PLEASE ANSWER, and thank you so much for your videos.PS:I hope i have expressed myself well in english.


Brit, I'm an African immigrant currently in the USA. I've been laughing throughout this video because I'm aware of what health care costs actually are here, and then looking at those amounts, I'm like... Who really has that much money to afford any of these plans and still wants to immigrate to the USA from any African country.


Hi Brit, I'm trying to process DV lottery application, but after loading my picture and at the last stage it doesn't move to the next level to get maybe application reference. 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦


Simon, don't you think that this requirement might result in greater speed of case numbers movement in 2020?


Thanks for the explaination, but will the visitor insurance be acceptable for the interview ?its very competitive in comparison with regular insurances inside US .


How long should I wait to check my status if am vilified or not is it that I wait for the month they said in 2020 or even if it passes one month I can check without sending me the email and the checking is a one time checking or you can keep on trying until its closed


Hi Brit.
If I have an affidavit support form I-864 or sponsor. Do I also need to have a medical insurance for the interview?


what is going to happen if i change my address while application is pending? because i heard we will get letter if we get selected?


Hi Brit, thanks for video! If I have my savings and official bank letter about this (25.000 usd) need I print and prepare this part about my future incurance plans and etc? I would like to enter US after 6 month of getting visa


Hi Brit i have speicial question i have hepatitis b should they reject me for to enter u.s main land 🤔 ????


Hi. Brit i have an interview on 1 nov, is Will this decision affect me in any way?


Hi Simon,
Do we need to present welcome letter or sponser letter during our diversity visa interview?


thanks alot for info what if i want to get insurance only for my wife its still work or we have to have it both, ???


hello brit CNN says a judge stopped the proclamation what do you know about this


Hi Brit,
In your previou video you posted a link of an insurance company, i talked with them and they referred me a plan called "Diplomat America" is a visitor medical insurance, which will cost me around 2000$ for a family of 4 persons ( 2 adults, 2 kids) for 365 days.
I just need your help that, is that plan ok for me to buy as a dv selectee 2020 before few days of my interview?


Hello Mr. Simon, i have two question.
1. My CN is high EU44*** can i hope that will be interviewed till 30rd September of 2020?
2. Can i apply for DV lottery 2021?
Thank you!
