Configuring a file server failover cluster running Windows Server 2019

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Configuring a file server failover cluster running Windows Server 2019

1. Prepare

2. Step by step : Configure iSCSI server on DC38 and assign to DC32, DC33. Configure Failover Cluster on DC32

- DC38 : Configure iSCSI server

+ Server Manager - File and Storage Services - iSCSI - Click 'To create an iSCSI virtual disk, start the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard.' :

+ iSCSI Virtual Disk Location - Select by volume : - Choose E: + iSCSI Virtual Disk Name - Name : Witness

+ iSCSI Virtual Disk Size - Size : 1GB - New iSCSI target + Target Name and Access - Name : SAN01

+ Access Servers - Add... - Choose 'Enter a value for the selected type' - Type : IP Address, Value : + - Next to Create - Close

+ Task - New iSCSI Virtual Disk... - Select volume : F - Name : SAN01 - Size : 20G - Create

- DC32, DC33 : Active Witness and SAN01 disk

+ Server Manager - Tools - iSCSI Initiator - Yes - Target tab - Target : - Quick Connect... - Done

+ Tools - Computer Management - Disk Management - Right-click Disk 1 - Online - Right-click Disk 1 - Initialize Disk - OK

- Right-click - New Simple Volume... - Next ... - Volume label : Witness (Do the same for DATA)

- DC32, DC33 : Install File Server and Failover Cluster

+ Server Manager - Manage - Add Roles and Features - Next to Roles : Extend 'File and Storage Services' - Extend 'File and iSCSI Services' - Select 'File Server'

- Features : Select 'Failover Clustering' - Add Features - Install

- DC32 : Configure Failover Cluster

+ Server Manager - Tools - Failover Cluster Manager - Right-click 'Failover Cluster Manager' : Validate Configuration... - Select Servers or a Cluster - Browse... : DC32, DC33 - Next to Finish

+ Right-click 'Failover Cluster Manager' - Create Cluster... - Select Servers - Browse... : DC32,DC33 - Cluster Name : FileServer, Address - Finish

+ Right-click Roles - Configure Role... - Select Role : Select 'File Server' - File Server Type : Choose 'File Server for general use' - Client Access Point : Name : FileServer01

- Finish, Address - Select Storage : Check to 'Cluster Disk 2'

+ Double-Click FileServer01 - General tab : Select DC32, DC33 - OK

+ Right-Click FileServer01 - Add File Share - SMB Share - Quick - Choose F: - Share name : DATA - Others Settings : Select 'Enable access-based enumeration' - Create

- WIN101 : Test Failover cluster

+ Start - run - \\ === Create a file text

- DC32 : Shut down === Check again === Active on DC33

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needs commentary to keep you interested and explanation of why your doing what your doing as you go along


in windows server 2019, how many ways we can add a quorum witness ?
