Top fin 10 gallon aquarium update 1

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So I have had this top fin 10 gallon aquarium for a couple months now and figured I just post a little update and what kind of fish I have in it!
Doing a lot more aquarium videos as I am starting a fish room so please subscribe! Will be posting more updates aswell reviews on fish plants and more!
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Nice, like I said after 47 years of having many different freshwaters I like the way you got the balloon mollies, I moved away from them as the males get aggressive back then the girls would die having so many fry, I had 4 frogs when my kids were young never found them the next day & with 4 it was just weird so I stopped. I, m up to around 18 of the albino cory at least 12 were born in the tank I really didn't want the original 4 I bought as I can't even find a panda now having only 1 panda & 1 salt & pepper as they are schoolers and 6 years ago when I started getting them they were my favorite, The Green & Albino are the only ones who give eggs, and funny the green was born the same time inside my tank with 3 survivors that appeared at a certain size as I released the Albionos I had been caring for since scraping them off the glass, I have got 4 egg retrievals put the 1st ones in too early but with every time you have eggs you learn. I have a Tidel 110 I just took apart totally & cleaned yesterday probably been about 10 months. a sponge filter & the standard Aquaclear that I have always used, I have had leaks with them though when not making sure they are on right, I use to have 3 of the cleaner fish that grew to 18 19 & 20 inches that their poop was crazy, I found a young guy that had 3 500 gallon tanks so I gave them to a good home as there use to be this pet store here that would take anything you had, I had to give him some of my favorite sharks gramies & a few others that went aggressive, I know to stick to the corys a couple golden tetras & just found my poor 1 platy 5 friends as 1 died. I wish I could have got some good colors as I said Windsor truly sucks when trying to find fish, My old store had at least 300 different fish, and a store a block down had a crazy father & daughter that always yelled at each other but had everything you could find on Amazon as well as every fish & food & plant out, It is really sad that every single fish & pet store are just food & basic toys. Great video please show the hack on the filter you spoke on. Blessings from Windsor
