How to build an Awesome Village in Minecraft 1.15 Survival

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In today's Minecraft 1.15 Vanilla Survival Let's build Episode, We are going to be talking about how to build a Village in Minecraft!! Want to become a better Minecraft builder? This is how!

Thank you for Watching! Links and everything below!

Complete Playlist for building the Village, with world download:

List of occupations, gives you a great way of adding the small important touches to a town:

Types of town buildings, from class levels to different trades, to basically anything:

List of Medieval European Professions:

Rooms in a castle (general stuff)

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:: Music used ::

Outro Music : "The Night" by Lumian
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Hope you all enjoy today's video talking about how to build a village! Let me know if you thought this was useful! Also, any other things you struggle with building? Let me know and I'd be happy to touch on the topic!


Me: Watches full video till end and wants to build like this, logs to minecraft
My brain:


I love that your videos go in the direction of teaching rather than just showing- I wouldn't be nearly as good at building if not for watching your let's play and being inspired to make my own design choices. The way you think about integrating real world building styles and aesthetics even though their purpose in game is just to add atmosphere is really neat! Adds so much character when tying the build in with its surroundings :D


I like your builds. You inspired me to do something similar in my world.


His message at 11:00 is the reason I subscribed cuz hell yea tryna get better not tf trying to copy


1:40 - I'm suddenly distracted by those puffy white clouds - reminds me of an old (N64? Nintendo Wii?) Super Mario game for some reason.

Also, one thing I've been thinking about lately is, "start small". I was thinking, "How do kingdoms form in the first place?", and how did settlements, colonies and villages work in Roman times, for example. They start with family homesteads, then spread out to a storage building or two. Then, simulate a few generations later and you have more homesteads around it. (I'm thinking of the large yurt video the other day, then adding smaller buildings around it. Once that's done, build a few more in other biomes, then connect it to a slightly larger village (IRL population of a few hundred) with maybe some small market, palisade wall, animal pens, larger house for the village leader. Then, these villages connect to smaller towns, where maybe the baron of the town lives. Then you can think about building a small fort, or keep, and the buildings associated with a small town.

So, in short, instead of Castle town to villages, start the other way around. Settlements (a homestead or two)->Colonies (mining, farming, etc.)-> Villages (run by a guildmaster, knight/fort, family clandom elder)->Towns (baronies)->small cities/regions (count/earl)-> large cities (dukes)->capital city (king)->Empirical city (emperor).

Also, I found some sites a long time ago that showed about how many occupations there were per village/town/city on average. I don't remember the original link, but here's one similar to it


"When you grab your first bloc, you get an artist license. And that license says you can do anything that makes you happy."


That village transformation has such an incredible liveliness to it for Minecraft. It's still one of my favorites. I really find this style of video helpful for learning how to build better. I get a lot more out of this format than just block for block tutorials. So more, please! The tip about boundaries is a great lesson for me. I tend to have too many grand, big build ideas, but as I get ready to build I freeze and get stuck on the big picture and get overwhelmed and give up. Thank you for the great video!


A more dark and tight alleys with witchy shops would’ve been cool, like with ingredients shops


I think the extra things you put in your villages/towns/cities, not just the buildings, are what brings these places alive. It's something I need to work on more and perfect. It gives me a lot to think about.


Perfect timing on the video. I was just planning on building a village


whip here's an idea (don't take this too seriously; it's just for fun)
koppen climate classification of Fwhip's world:
RiverRose: Cfb (Oceanic)
Castle Bleakrock: Cfb (Oceanic)
Port City: Cfb (Oceanic)
Farming Valley: Cfb/Dfb (Oceanic/ Warm Summer Humid Continental)
Nordic Village: Dfc (Subarctic)
Papyrus: BWh (Hot Desert)
Ruined Castle: Dfb (Warm Summer Humid Continental)
1.14 Village: Dfb (Warm Summer Humid Continental)
RiverRose: Csb (Warm Summer Mediterranean)
Castle Bleakrock: Cfb (Oceanic)
Port City: Cfb/Csb (Oceanic/ Warm Summer Mediterranean)
Farming Valley: Csb/Dsb (Warm Summer Mediterranean/ Dry Warm Summer Continental)
Nordic Village: Dsc/Dfc (Dry summer subarctic/ subarctic)
Papyrus: BWh (Hot Desert)
Ruined Castle: Dfa (Hot Summer Humid Continental)
1.14 Village: Dfb (Warm Summer Humid Continental)


Honestly, I prefer the tips and tricks of building rather than following straight tutorials. It allows me to figure it out myself :) Thanks fWhip!


I know many people have done them in the past but I think it would be cool to see your take on a Japanese style build in your survival world at some point. the villages are looking good, keep up the good work!


Honestly, the brick by brick tutorials are helpful. I'm a complete noob and by watching those and following them, I've learned concepts. What to do to make a building look interesting and not like a cardboard box. Adding depth, foliage, and texture to buildings. And how to do so. Let's be real. I'm learning a lot these days on Minecraft. And tutorial videos are amazing


You and jerm inspired me to get back to minecraft and evolved my build style


Thank you for the terrific advice you always give us in these types of videos, it really inspires people to step outside the box and get creative! You are amazing, Fwhip! You inspired ME to build better than ever before!


You really inspired me!! I first drew a sketch on what I am doing.. And now I am thinking of doing this little by little in the game.. By building to building so thanks sooo much for making this video! I love how realistic the village is.... And the narrow paths show the real look of a small village :)


Your work is so inspiring, I built a whole village and castle with an observatory on an smp inspired by your builds


I love making these small towns/villages and then after a painstaking process of moving two villagers in a boat to my village, then breeding them for them to live in my village.

It feels so alive and amazinfm
