How to Build the Great Pyramid in 9 Months (NOT aliens)

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#ancienthistory #ancientegypt #pyramids #engineering #ancienttechnology
How were the pyramids built? Did ancient Egypt use a mysterious lost ancient technology that science can't explain? Not necessarily. We present a theory how the volume of stone in the Great Pyramid could be raised in about 9 months.
=== Sources ===
Doug McKenzie: "Course Thicknesses of the Great Pyramid"
Complete Pyramids - Mark Lehner
Engineering the Pyramids - Dick Parry
Le Chambre de Cheops - Gilles Dormion
Building in Egypt - Dieter Arnold
10 Books on Architecture - Vitruvius
Egyptian Phyles in the Old Kingdom - Ann Macy Roth
Equids and Wheeled Vehicles in the Ancient World - Raulwing, Lindu, Crouwel
The Rolling Stones - J. Bush
Bronocice, Flintbek, Uruk... - Bakker, Kruk, Lanting, Milisauskas
Early Holocene Pottery in the Western Desert - M. Jordeczka et al
Chariots in the Eurasian Steppe - S. Lindner
Wagons, Carts & Their Significance in Ancient Egypt - H. Kopp-Junk
Adobe Barrel Vaulted Structures in Ancient Egypt - A.O.D. El-Derby, A. Elyamani
Experimental investigation of Mud Bricks - A. V. Oskouei et al
Strength, Sustainability, Affordability of Bamboo & Mud Bricks - L. Mbereyaho & al
Minor Cemetery at Giza - C. Fisher
Brick Architecture in Ancient Egypt - A.J. Spencer
The Amarna Letters (1992) EA 75 - W.L. Moran
Geological & Geomorph. Study of the Original... - S. Raynaud, de La Boisse & al
Chersiphron & Son Engineers - A. Sparavigna
This Old Pyramid - NOVA
By davemusic973161:
Images (Wikimedia):
Wheel chocks placed around an aircraft's landing gear - Dtom
Lever (PSF).png - Pearson Scott Foresman
Obelisk at Alexandria, David Roberts (1796-1864)
Alexandria, Egypt, in 1737-1738, Frederic Louis Norden
Other images:
Temple of Artemis illustration - Tim Shaw (Turbosquid)
@00:00 Start
@01:10 Why?
@02:16 The rubble problem
@12:58 Rolling stones
@17:46 Parbuckling
@18:25 Old Kingdom & the wheel
@23:02 Quarter arcs
@27:22 Containers
@31:52 Fractal ramps
@34:02 Fixed lift stations
@38:41 Granite blocks
@45:31 Time & crew estimates
@49:42 Advantages
@51:04 Conclusion