Jacob Rees-Mogg unveils a 'Brexit dashboard' of scrapped 'EU red tape'

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Jacob Rees-Mogg unveils a 'Brexit dashboard' of scrapped 'EU red tape'. Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg introduced the website as he set out his hopes for a 'revolution' to help cut the cost of living. He told the Commons ministers will publish data every three months to show how many changes have been made to the 2,400 pieces of EU legislation still in place. He added that the dashboard will ensure the public can 'join us on this journey to amend, repeal or replace' retained EU law in a bid to cut at least £1 billion of business costs from 'EU red tape'. But Labour said the Government was offering nothing more than a 'digital filing cabinet' of existing legislation, which amounted to nothing more than a 'vanity project' on a day when inflation hit 9.1 per cent.

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However, Labour said the Government was offering nothing more than a 'digital filing cabinet' of existing legislation


EXCUSE ME ! On your own Govt. website you have published 159 double-sided pages of info helping importers/exporters to deal with the tariffs that Johnson claimed(lied) wouldn’t exist if we left the EU.


By red tape he means pesky regulations which stop you being killed at work. Having weekends and sick leave and set working hours.


Do his parents know where he is.? I can't believe that he's allowed out in public, he has to be the biggest Clown in Johnson's circus.


Brexit is about looking after the wealthy. Mogg has made sure the cap on executive pay has gone.


Nice, those pesky workers rights must go.
It's not fair if you don't like something you can go on strike or take the money for doing nothing (paid holidays).


I just took a look at the dashboard, and picked Transport as an example of what is being changed on the dashboard. Most legislation is being kept as it is, including, notably, working time regulations for road transport workers, which have always just regulated aspects of working hours which are already covered by tachograph regulations, effectively duplicating them, and these regulations should have been binned on the first day that we left Europe. In comparison, the only laws which I could see that have been repealed will allow more CO2 emissions, and erosion of safety standards. I'm amazed Mr Rees Mogg hasn't repealed any firearms regulations, as he could then shoot himself in both feet without fear of being prosecuted under European law!


The Law of Gravity applies in the EU.

Lets abolish that so we do not have to be imprisoned on the ground.


When I was a kid we used to laugh at Billy Bunter and Lord Snooty characters in comics (anachronistic even then). Now we are governed by them


How about listing the new red tape we need to complete to export a tin of peas to Europe?


Let me focus your attention on something else for a second. Just look at 4:30 and how empty all these benches are. These people (on both sides) are having a laugh at our expense. We’re paying their wages and they can’t even be bothered to show up.


Why the hell would they be against the USB C standard set out by Europe?
Almost every device I've bought over the past 5 years has been USB C. Phones, headphones, laptops, gaming devices.

I only need one wire and charger for everything. It wasn't so long ago each device had its own plug, cable, wire. Be it TVs, keyboards, printers, and virtually any electronic device that needs power or connecting to something.

Now it's one cable for everything. It makes it cheaper for us because instead of buying different replacements or cables for everything we just need one.

The stupid thing is no company is going to make a cable just for the UK market when they need to use the standard in the EU. Why would you take the extra cost as a business for the UK market?
No UK company is going to be stupid enough to go against it because they'd massively limit the market to just the UK. It's absolutely crazy that this is supposed to be a Brexit benefit.
In addition to that the USA is seemingly onboard with the idea too.
But that's ok, well just promote BSU 1 for the UK market and claim it as victory lol


Now we are entirely ruled by Eton public school without having to obey the rule of law.


As expected the Tories have been lying again 🙄


It's time that we stand up to these comedians and voted in someone with common sense.


You know this guy is a criminal, right?


Is this the same Jake Mogg who stated that getting back to what we had before brexit could take 50 years ?


Red tape what like workers rights and being treated like a human being


The right to non-universal phone chargers and hoovering at more than 1400 watt. There will be dancing in the streets!


nice one - now we can pay more for phone charges than any other European country!
