Paula's discovery flight - Private Pilot Training Tips with Spencer Suderman (episode 4)

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What should you expect on your first flight lesson? Sporty’s has once again partnered with airshow pilot and flight instructor Spencer Suderman, this time for a new video series to answer questions like that. Each video addresses common flight training questions, including the basics of airplane control and how to make better landings. Suderman shares practical tips throughout, including during an actual lesson with a flight student.

In this episode, Spencer takes Paula (a new student pilot) out for her first flight lesson in a Cessna 172. You'll see what it's like to learn the basics of airplane control and how your CFI will coach you along the way to make each lesson a fun learning experience.

00:00 Introduction
00:48 Learning to taxi
03:55 Takeoff
06:41 Straight and Level
08:01 How to turn the airplane
14:51 Climbs and descents
17:17 Approach and landing

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First flight? She did great! Awesome instructor too.


I wish I could take my first flight over again. Great job and don't stop!


Thank you. I enjoy your videos, instruction and methods. A fun and enjoyable adventure. Really good courses. I appreciate your content.


This is an excellent video! And here is my vote for more advanced piloting skills videos with Spencer, that series is fantastic 🙌👍


Getting ready to take my commercial check ride and hoping to be a CFI before too long. I hope to be able to instruct as effectively as you did!!


I hope she at least got to do some ground school before this. It's odd to throw this much information at someone new...


Awesome instructor - the bit around rudder control while banking was really valuable.


I like the instruction, " put the line between your feet." I used the phrase between your legs, but that might not be so good nowadays. Also dynamic proactive rudder, "little movements", or we TW pilots used to call it walking the rudder. Excellent job staying off the controls and just talking during taxi, which lends itself to looser riding of controls. Good job talking her through first takeoff. That is a big confidence builder. I start right away encouraging lead rudder and not going to the steering wheel first (aileron, adverse yaw, incorrect yaw.) Nice job letting her move all the controls to see what they actually do. I don't use the slip/skid indicator to teach adverse yaw, but only the nose going the wrong way. Later I work on muscle memory to evaluate proper rate of turn for the angle of bank. Great first flight talking rather than demonstrating. Students learn best by doing. And nothing gives them more confidence. Great job using hands in teaching which also emphasizes that your hands are not riding the controls. You have the touch of a teacher, Spencer. It's not all about instruction for ACS. Teaching flying should come first and you teach instructors how to do that.


So cool! I have my discovery flight next week… I hope I have an instructor this good!


Hmm, i got more nervous than the girl, as i was afraid she could do something wrong, ha, ha, ha!


Where are you located ? And can I get you as my instructor ?
