GOLF: The Float Load Progression Drill For Pure Contact

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I like the fact that you are up front about needing to burn this in over time. So many swing fix videos seem to make it sound like you change one thing and you become scratch over a week. Keep em coming


This has to be your best video. I can’t believe how this is transforming my swing.


I love that you're honest with your viewers about this taking months (even though I think most people will see some benefit sooner than that). You don't claim it's an immediate fix when you know it will take longer. Thanks for the video and for being honest!


This is a great drill and wholeheartedly agree that you should do it over months not weeks. Winter time would be the perfect time to start honing this drill into your swing. This reminds me so much as a kid in HS. I had a horrible slice with my driver. This was in the persimmon days. I went to an instructor who worked at a very reputable course. He said he could fix it and turn it into a right to left draw. The one catch is it would take pretty much the whole summer to do it. He strengthened my grip, put me in a closed stance and do swings with the shaft no higher than parallel. As I started my downswing, he had me start rotating my forearms immediately. The first 10 swings I wasn’t rotating my forearms soon enough. However before the lesson ended, I was drawing/hooking the ball. It would only go maybe 100 yards but it worked. After 6 weeks I swung my lead arm to almost parallel and it continued to work. Funny thing was just with a half swing, I was even or out driving others my age and older. Yes as a kid, I tried cheating to swing harder. It didn’t work. The slice would come back every time. You can’t cheat. Anyhow by the end of the summer, I was far out driving everyone I knew. As a bonus this bled over into hitting my irons with a nice draw. The greatest thing of all was I made my HS golf team. I’m 72 now and play to a 16 handicap. Back in the day I was a 6 handicap. Could have been much lower but I was horrible putting. Hence my nickname 3putt. Thanks for all your videos. You do an excellent job communicating on how to do things and drills. BRAVO!


This drill has helped my game more than any other drill by far. I am finally loading the left side properly. I am finally setting the club properly. I am finally swinging at the ball from the inside.


Eric, years ago a tip I used to aid transition was to feel as if I was I was turning my shoulders even further as I transferred pressure to my left foot. I can’t get to the range, but using your method while chipping in my living room works beautifully. Both methods prevent popping the clutch from the top. Thanks, Eric


I have been watching your videos now for about a year, so many favs that have helped me tremendously. This is definitely top 10! Your help has made such a difference in my swing, I cant thank you enough. There are so many good teachers on youtube but you are my fav, best explanations, not condescending, simple easy to follow. I was mid 80's low on a good day. I have been working very hard the last 12 months, my rounds since January 2022:
lowest ever 79, 76, 74, 76, 70, 80, 85, 78..Obviously lots of short game practice, re read Dave Pelz short game "Bible".... Thank you so much, video has helped as well, its funny though when I see my swing on video I still want to puke lol... I average 72% fairways 46% up and down 43% sand. I rarely three putt or make more than a bogie... limit the damage. Aloha, Mahalo


The Golfing Machine 10-19-B. In golf, as in life, there are different strokes for different folks. Thanks for your great videos.


I am arm parallel and have more control and distance than ever before. Shooting mid 70s, no need to go past parallel. Great drill, which is now my full swing


You’re on fire Eric. This feel stops me as a right handed tennis coach setting / locking the right wrist too early / too much thus not creating relaxed lag in transition. Felt like I was john Ramm . The turn and shift 6 days ago has never been explained better and clearer. audio and verbal instruction spot on. 👍👍👍


Eric, love how you talk about feel versus exact positions. Really appreciate your teaching style!


This is a huge difference maker in the question for pure ball striking and increased distance. A critical skill for senior golfers. The only problem is we don't have MONTHS to get it right. This is going into production, for better or worse, next time out!! Thanks for the training.


I've been using the floating drill on the course until I can get my full swing linked up. Funny since I've changed to that I am 2 over on par3s my last 5 rounds.


Great video, not a lot of Golf instructors actually have a tour swing like this thank you for the content! 🙏🏼


Great drill. Really helped me get the feel of a proper weight shift and compression. 👍


Nice drill. Thank you for attaching a time frame to reach a level of competency. I am thinking that some of the moves can be taken to the course much sooner. Nice to know that they usually can’t.


Will this work for a driver, 3 wood and hybrids?? Love this drill, its improved my game instantly but not sure why I'm.struggling to do it with the clubs I've mentioned.


Great drill! I think this drill builds in the concept of throwing the clubhead instead of flipping it.


Think this is the video I need at this point. Crazy how many times I watched videos like this but its finally making sense. Until I learned how to backswing and hinge correctly this would make no sense to me. Wish I woulda known that before.


Eric great drill. Since it takes awhile to groove this not sure what to do on the course when playing. Suggestions??
