Top 5 Free to Play 5 Stars in Genshin Impact

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In this video we cover the top 5 best limited 5 star characters to wish for if you're a free to play player. These are all very easy to build, very versatile, and the make the game feel a lot easier :)

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Other helpful videos:
⚔️ Start Strong Beginner’s Guide:

⚒️ How to Build Every Character as of Version 2.6:

🏗️ Best Way to Build an Account Step-by-Step (F2P Friendly)

🛍️ SharkH3art & My Art Merch!

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00:00 What Makes a Good Free to Play 5 Star in Genshin Impact?
01:10 Top 5 Free to Play 5 Star Characters in Genshin Impact- Zhongli
02:06 Top 5 Free to Play 5 Star Characters in Genshin Impact- Sangonomiya Kokomi
05:02 Top 5 Free to Play 5 Star Characters in Genshin Impact- Yelan
08:10 Top 5 Free to Play 5 Star Characters in Genshin Impact- Raiden Shogun
09:46 Top 5 Free to Play 5 Star Characters in Genshin Impact- Nahida
11:20 Bonus! More of the Best Limited 5 Stars for Free to Play Players


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Never forget. The most valuable character you will pull will be the one you play. Don't fall into the trap of pulling for the meta picks and never use them afterwards.


Hey shark your channel is super underrated. I feel like it fills the awkward area for players who care enough about meta to do our research but don't have the luxury of time to watch theorycrafters do their more detailed nerdy excel calculation! Your recommendations seem factually based on theorycrafters' opinions but simplified enough for most of us who are often confused by TC terms. Appreciate it!


Your content has genuinely carried me through the game i started about a month ago and I'm AR 46 with plenty of resources and a really solid team, Thank you so much and keep making good content!!


I'm so happy I got Zhongli on his first release before I left a few days after.

I was planning to get back sometime and I loved the idea of a shield character while hearing rumors of people hating on his damage.

Now that I've gotten back, I'm really happy I have him!! Especially since... Wanderer kinda needs him so he doesnt get interrupted LMAO Watching your vids also helped me survive through the game ofc lol



I'd add Kazuha to this list. His weapon can be the free umbrella or the craftable Iron Sting.


Alhaitham is also very F2P friendly and a strong C0 DPS even with just average investments. His kit feels complete at C0, he works with a lot of characters, has variety of team comps, and also fun and flashy gameplay. The only issue with him is his mirror management but when you get the hang of it, he's fantastic. And even if you mess up his rotations, he's doesn't punish you that much which is also a plus. His best 4 star weapons are free which are the umbrella sword and iron sting. A lot of people use harbinger of dawn on him which is a 3 star weapon. He's also easy to build with EM being the focus. Worth every primogems spent imho.


As a F2P player with Shogun and Nahida, I can confirm these characters are game changers. They pair extremely well together and I have made them both part of my main team, with Xingqiu and Dendro Traveler, and it does insane damage. Of course still need another team for Spiral Abyss, but I managed to get Ayaka recently and I'm working on building up her team for the abyss too.


I have Zhongli, Nahida and Raiden Shogun, all using the weapons mentioned here (Black Tassel, Mappa Mare and The Catch respectively). It's worth it to pull for them as F2P!


Honestly, as a ftp, Yelan changed my game completely. Got her in the last banner and with her r2 fav bow she is INCREDIBLE. I can use her burst up to even 3/4 times in just one minute.


Prioritize Kazuha, Yelan, and Nahida. Raiden only has extra value over other good DPS characters if you don't already have Kuki at C2. Kokomi and Zhongli are great mostly for the comfort they bring. They are otherwise inefficient pulls if your goal is to secure the primogems from 36-starring spiral abyss as soon as possible.


I love that the thumbnail is three archons and also Yelan. And you know what? She fits there.


i followed your advice when i started in 3.3 and got raiden (also wanderer as my first 5star) i also pulled for c6 xinqui but instead got him to c5 and got both yelan and hutao. Thanks for giving me a direction because now I’m having so much fun


I think Ayaka should also be in the honorable mention since she is already strong at c0 and her best 4 star weapon is the anemona kageuchi which can be crafted


I was honestly so bummed that I missed out on Ayaka this past banner, but after watching this and knowing Nahida is coming up, I'm stoked. I've got tons of pity stacks and missed a featured draw so I'm pretty sure I'll have her soon. 😁


When I saw the title my guess was Raiden, Nahida, Yelan, Kokomi, and Kazuha, but I think you're right that Zhongli is a better pick for most players/accounts.


Something that I will say and that Ik everyone else says. At the end of the day, choose who you like to play. The numbers don't matter if you don't enjoy how you achieved them.


I run the sacrificial sword on Kazuha, it solves the ER issue and being able to do his skill twice helps with grouping and crowd control.


This is such a great concept for a video, and is executed perfectly, thank you so much! I am a low spender (occasional BP only) and having Zhongli, Kokomi, and Nahida has definitely been excellent for me.


Small problem I see here is, all the characters you mention are in essence supports. My personal experience is that after I got Zhongli and switched game to easy mode, I still lacked the damage needed for the game to start being satisfying. And that only changed after I got Ayaka. So I think that while it is very good to have some strong and flexible supports, having a strong and reliable DPS is also essential. Ayaka, Ganyu, Hu Tao and Yoimiya are in my opinion uncontested up to this day. Sure you can go without them just well but so can you without Zhongli or Raiden.


Played since 2020 and zhongli is still use in my team to this day. ❤
