Breaking Free: Healing from Religious Trauma Through Self-Forgiveness

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Struggling with unforgiveness in your personal and devotional life? Self-forgiveness matters.

Learn how to forgive yourself for past mistakes, heal from religious trauma, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and peace.

We fight for mental health in this presentation, learning what it means to participate in the epidemic of unforgiveness. We look into how unforgiveness can halt the healing process, both within yourself and in your connection to your belief. Unresolved religious trauma can leave lasting scars. Positively recover your devotional conversation through self-forgiveness.

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The Dawn of Devotion:

00:00 - The Journey
03:54 - I am Tired
06:15 - Stoutness
10:11 - Held Back
14:42 - A Reflective Issue
16:34 - Unregistered Tension
18:39 - Get BibleGateway
19:20 - Character of Forgiveness
26:05 - Forgive to Regain
32:40 - The Dawn of Devotion
33:17 - Practical Application
46:33 - Join SkillShare
47:16 - Self-Acceptance
51:18 - The Goal
54:00 - Step Aside
55:57 - Concluding Thoughts

#MentalHealth #ReligiousTrauma #ForgivingYourself #SelfForgiveness
#HowToForgiveYourself #HealingFromReligiousTrauma
#Unforgiveness #OvercomingBitterness #SelfHealing #FaithJourney
#TraumaRecovery #MentalWellness #SpiritualHealing #ReligiousHealing
#PersonalGrowth #EmotionalWellness #ForgivenessJourney #HealingJourney #FaithAndHealing #MentalHealthAwareness
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There is life after the organized religious belief. I’m honestly starting to believe that as frustrating as it was to be in a “lost” way after leaving my belief, that it was necessary for me to find what was for me. It may have involved hating and even resenting where I came from, but I can now see that belief goes through stages of maturity. When you said that thing about taking the first breath, who took our first breath for us, that hit home


Absolutely relevant. I like how you show it’s alright to feel whatever we may be feeling, but to also not let what we feel get in the way with our desire to know and to understand. This is true self-care


This channel has been an experience. I came in seeing religion as being the regulator of regulators, the thing needed to stop the human being from doing wrong, and as time has gone on, I’m thinking more.


I resonate with this. I’m grateful for this message because you are right. Resentment for a past experience that I am taking out on myself, and have been, because I don’t want to accept that what I believed was wrong. I need to hear this and especially what you said about needing to develop a respect for my belief. All of this is true. I don’t understand what I’m feeling, well I should say I haven’t been understanding for the past few years, but I have been slowly realizing the trauma and what you are saying is right. It’s not easy. None of this is easy, but you are right to say that the first step is forgiving self. Because then it makes forgiving the experience a lot easier and you are about to see something positive for the future from it. This is easy to say and think about and not easy to do. It takes time. I resonate with this very much


This is powerful. I like how set this up. Much of this relates to me and to people I know


You said it right. “Journey to mental health.” Very nice information and encouragement in this video. Thank you


This message needs to be heard. I think that there are a lot of people suffering from religious abuse and it produces atheists or oddly makes them more devout for fear. There’s a fear of having a mindful experience without any religion. This was healing


Religion is psychology. I’ve noticed that religion is psychological, and psychological warfare. If you can wake up from its sleep, you wake up to a world of emotional trouble, but if you can stay asleep, you stay asleep to so much trauma you aren’t facing because it’s being hidden by the hope of a religious belief. But there is healing. It takes time and patience with yourself. I’m still on that journey


This is so true. I’m happy for this video because I think religion has caused so much bad for so many, but so much good for others. I always question how one thing can be both good and bad. Your videos on religion as a matrix to wake up from I feel is correct, but you don’t end it there and say that we wake up to find the spirit of our belief. I also believe this is true. This has been my journey. There is hurt, yes, but you have be able to realize that religion is created and we are not created by it. Man created religion. It didn’t create us. This isn’t easy to realize, especially being young, it can be confusing. But you have to let the pain make you wiser


It’s not talked about, but trauma from religion is something. I think it’s not known, when you’re going through it. It can be interpreted so many ways, and the obvious is anger and then rebellion against “God.” But I get it. I’ve been there. It’s not anger, it’s hurt. Lies hurt. The myths hurt. When you start to just see there is more than what we are told, it can hurt, and that’s when you begin to misunderstand the trauma caused


It’s really strange. To many, religion is everything and it’s like they can’t breathe without it. But there’s a side to this where there is great damage caused by religion. It’s not even just about the warp religion puts you into when you’re in it, it’s the warp it gets you into when you are out of it and frustrated with it, as you say. That frustration becomes a religion itself. All of it just makes me question so much, especially with the kind of reflections you’ve been recently having in your videos


To who ever will read this…this is our year. We will be healthy


I mean, what can you really say? This is the reality. The religious are simply hiding their hurt with their religion. The non-religious are simply hiding their hurt with anger. The truly lucky person is the person that isn’t afraid to look at themselves or their religion and question it indifferently.


Just because they are devout, it doesn't mean they aren't hurting. The most devout and the most angry with religion are the most that are in pain and hoping the anger and the religion can hide it
