How Do I Get Free from Addiction for Good? | Breaking the Cycle

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Jesus said, "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." In this message, David Diga Hernandez reveals the truth about breaking free from the power of addiction.







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#EncounterTV #DavidDigaHernandez #WordAndSpirit #Strongholds #Addiction
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Amen im in a rehab trying to beat my addiction and I pray to Jesus christ every day to rid me of every sin and addiction every stronghold.. please pray for me


I confess, miraculously and instantly healed from meth addiction (2 years). Praise the Lord. Amen


Excellent video. I am from Pakistan and had a food addiction and I tried many islamic things but it never worked. Then I tried praying to the Christian God and read the bible and miraculously my food addiction healed! Thats when I knew that the Christian God is the true God and I converted to Christianity. May the holy spirit guide all true Christians Amen! ✝️


Brother! I am a nurse and have been working in an addiction clinic. Metadone, suboxone and buprenorfin.
What you are saying is 100% truth! Ive worked with addiction over 8 years and there is NO shread of exageration in your words.
Those who depend solely on the medication will experience soothing of their symptoms but they will never be free and will have many episodes of relapse.
But those who put their faith and trust in Jesus, will only need the suppport for however long it takes them to accomplish whatever the Lord is planing. Let it be action or be still, but they will have healing.
Lord Jesus is the light, the truth and the life. As a medical provider I am not allowed to evangelize, but precious Holy Spirit can always use us to guide towards the right direction.
Halleluja! 🎉🎉🎉


After I threw my vape away, this video popped up immediately on my YouTube feed. God is good! Amen


Hey you freed my soul!!! Thanks to you Jesus broke all my chains! I was hooked on suboxone for 7 years watched this video by the end of it I took the prescription out of my bag and throw it away!! God stoped all withdrawals literally a miracle happened. In the name of Jesus. This is the honest truth. I have been planting seeds I’m 10 days without that prescription. Thank GOD!!!


I was delivered and healed from addiction and codependency over 20 years ago! There was layers of deliverance and healing for over 3 years. the baptism of the Holy Ghost, practicing spiritual disciplines, the word and the purpose driven life book changed my heart and mind. Now I minister in recovery with mental and emotional coaching through the arts. But without belief in the word and power of the Holy Ghost, sexual sin took 3 years of fasting and praying seeking God for The Rest of God through Graham Cookes “The Rest” series. Meditating on the word of God to believe in the truth that will set you free from rebellion to be delivered from demonic oppression strongholds and even sometimes generational curses is a process but today I am totally free. Praise God!


I need prayer to quit vaping myself.
Thank you all


JESUS CHRIST delivered me from sex, Drug, pornography, &alcohol addiction when I cried to him with a SINCERE HEART.
Your right Bro. David. Bless U.


Lord, please deliver my children and everyone struggling with addictions. Such as alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography. And all other forms of addictions that are trying to keep them in bond. Lord, I cry out on their behalf for salvation, deliverance and in the mighty name of Jesus. Holy Spirit please do what only you can do. Draw them to Father thru the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ so that they can all be made whole. Amen! 🙏🏽


I'm an addict I've been on crystal meth for a long time and suffered many losses but with the help of God and family I been off it for a few weeks now and don't feel the craving for it my gf still smokes and she wants to stop so I pray for her everyday pls keep us in ur prayers thank you and God bless all that are trying and to stop.Amen


I bet NO PSYCHIATRIST OR PSYCHOLOGIST tells THIS TRUTH to any of their Patients UNLESS it is a born again Doctor❤This is REAL talk real stuff to do and share!!


Addiction is the physical consequence of a constant yielding to temptation


God had to rescue me from the world. I had everything money, job, car everything and I lost everything just like that because I turned to drugs and alcohol. I almost lost my mind and ended up in a psychiatric hospital but I kept the faith. I am more than a year clean today with no rehab or clinic. I had an encounter with Jesus in my dark room, crying, asking him for change. My BIBLE was whole time next to my bed infront of my eyes. I opened it and started isolating me in my room, started praying and started reading my bible everyday(Started by the book of MARK). My grandmother was a huge part of my recovery because she was always telling I need to start praying, keeping the faith and read my bible just before she got ill. She always said I will get everything back again. She passed away this year. God came to fetch her. Today I am sober, got a job again and was promoted this year. I spend a lot of with Jesus. PRAYER. FAST . WORSHIP(MUSIC). READING THE BIBLE. AND I CONTINUE TO SAVE OTHERS BY TELLING MY TESTIMONY BECAUSE THE GOSPEL SAVED ME. IT'S NOT ABOUT ME, IT'S ABOUT JESUS. HE IS ALIVE. I WORSHIP HIM AND ONLY HIM.


Everything you said it’s so true,
I relapse couple months ago and I stopped praying and sinning, I got so bad for months I was no longer walking by faith, I just barely repented again I pray so hard i went to sleep and woke up, I felt renewed and joyful, I knew Jesus renewed me cause I told him I’m done with everything I’m ready to come back home,
So I started deleting my wicked things I had in my house and social media, threw away all the alcohol I had, and stopped watching dumb videos that don’t give you a good message, I’m also looking into going into a sober living community, so I can learn how to have relationship with people, instead of me always alone and drinking, started working out too


I left my boyfriend as i couldn't be intimate with him anymore as i felt its wrong, then it was alcohol and thanks the Lord i don't go and buy anything anymore, i do have temptations to get a bottle of wine and chill as they say, but i know its wrong! But i have the biggest problem and im finding it so hard to quit! Tabacco!! Its the hardest of all addictions i think. Everday i say im not gonna smoke anymore and there i go again! 😢 i feel im being a hypocrite when i pray and listen to pastors and read the bible, but i will keep going and i pray i will get over this too. Thank you for your teachings 🙏


When I got saved in 2008 he took all my addictions away in a instant but slowly after 6 months the flesh got weak and I gave into thinking it was ok to have a drink because the Bible says you can have little but I can’t control it.


I can stop the addiction, but what would keep me relapsing was the withdrawal, especially near the end when I’d get intense restless legs, racing thoughts and severe restlessness all together. I’m down significantly and weaned off almost completely! After praying hard for answers to why and what keeps me going back to something I absolutely hate especially when I’m almost at the finish line, I came across one of your videos that totally pinpointed what it was that kept me in bondage. It was a stronghold. So thank you for that video because it helped me tremendously!!


I am praying the Lord will free my husband from addiction, that he will destroy the enemy in our lives and give us freedom! I pray that the Lord will lead him to this video… Holy Spirit come and do what only you can do! In Jesus Name


Heavenly Father. Please Break All Addiction on my son Kasim. Lead the Way to Follow you JESUS. AMEN
