#224 🛑 STOP using Serial.print in your Arduino code! THIS is better.
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Quick link to the PCBway 4th annual PCB design contest (Aug - Nov 2021)
00:00 Welcome Back!
00:46 PCBWay 4th Annual PCB Design Contest
03.27 Program bloat
04:11 Slow execution
07:05 Code Demo starts
10:55 How we can do it differently
18:25 Compilation with and without debugging
22:18 ESP32 advanced solution
24:33 printf for the Arduino
25:49 Conclusion
► You can now support me by buying me a coffee!
► Far more code examples and an advanced example in my GitHub
► Global compiler directives (with much more on this site)
► printf for the Arduino processor
I will expand on this in a future video - just for the Arduino processor!
► printf GitHub for the code...
... based on this printf GitHub version
Far more details of the code and an advanced example in my GitHub
► List of all my videos
(Special thanks to Michael Kurt Vogel for compiling this)
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