Serial print question | how to print data on serial monitor | arduino serial programming | #arduino

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Serial print question | how to print data on serial monitor | arduino serial programming | #arduino

Hi , Everyone in this short , I have given you a arduino programming question. if you know the answer of this question. Comment the right answer.

arduino code for question

int a = 4535;
float b = 35.676;
char c = 'M';
String d = "my name is ";
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Q1. what is the output of this code on the serial monitor

link for more arduino programming question

link for my youtube channel

#arduino_progarmming #serail_ print_question # arduino_for_beginners #arduino_programming_for_beginners #LearningCode #learningcode
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