
La RINORMALIZZAZIONE, uno dei più grandi misteri della fisica moderna

Vi spiego il SALTO CONCETTUALE necessario per comprendere la MECCANICA QUANTISTICA

La quantizzazione del Verbo dei quanti. Come l'interpolazione micro-marco seleziona una teoria unica

Lezione 8: parte 1

Gravità e rinormalizzazione: asymptotic safety

Klaus Fredenhagen - Renormalization and C*-algebras

Renormalization: The Art of Erasing Infinity

Idea behind renormalization in physics

Renormalization of quantum electrodynamics

New Density Matrix Renormalization Group-based Methods for Molecular Simulations

Renormalization in entropy zero systems 2

Perché le particelle NON possono avere massa? - QFT 8

Renormalization and Infinity in Quantum Field Theory | Neil Turok

wimshurst machine subtracting renormalization to access the dirac sea of infinite electricity/energy

wimshurst machine subtracting renormalization to access the dirac sea of infinite electricity/energy

wimshurst machine subtracting renormalization to access the dirac sea of infinite electricity/energy

Renormalization: Why Bigger is Simpler

wimshurst machine renormalized=zero energy vs actual=infinite energy=perpetual wheelworks of nature

wimshurst machine re-normalization = non infinite energy verses infinite energy= the choice is yours

H.3b. HIGGS - Renormalisation

wimshurst machine renormalized=zero energy vs actual=infinite energy=perpetual wheelworks of nature

Renormalization of Local Operators - QFT II, Part 30

wimshurst machine renormalized=zero energy vs actual=infinite energy=perpetual wheelworks of nature

wimshurst machine renormalized=zero energy vs actual=infinite energy=perpetual wheelworks of nature