
1. What does 'POSTHUMAN' mean? Dr. Ferrando (NYU) - Course 'The Posthuman' Lesson n. 1

PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism

Humans, Cyborgs, Posthumans: Francesca Ferrando at TEDxSiliconAlley


4. What Does POST-HUMANISM Mean? Dr. Ferrando (NYU) - Course 'The Posthuman' Lesson n. 4

There's No 'I' in Human: Toward a Posthuman Ethics | Michael Shirzadian | TEDxOhioStateUniversity

Rosi Braidotti, “Posthuman Knowledge”

Keynote: Philosophical Posthumanism (Dr. Ferrando, NYU)

The MAIN DIFFERENCE between Posthumanism and Transhumanism - Dr. Ferrando (NYU), Concept n. 2

Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism and New Materialism| Francesca Ferrando|

Deleuze - Control Societies & Cybernetic Posthumanism

Posthumanism, Bioconstitutionalism and Hela-True Life Science Fiction: Sherryl Vint at TEDxUCRSalon

Humanism, Trans-Humanism & Post-Humanism

What Happens When Robots Don’t Need Us Anymore? | Posthuman With Emily Chang

Literature and Posthumanism - Prof. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen interviewed by Dr. Ferrando (NYU)

Posthumanism and Spirituality: A Philosophy to Live By | Paganism, Witchcraft & New Materialism

Posthuman Pathways: Strange And Awesome Destinations On Humanity's Future Journeys

How Tech Is Breaking the Rules of Biology | Posthuman with Emily Chang

Understanding Posthumanism with Debashish Banerji

Rosi Braidotti's 'The Posthuman'

Posthumanism and Transhumanism: Points of Convergence and Divergence

Slavoj Zizek — Elon Musk, Neuralink & Post-Humanism

Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialism Differences & Relations

Posthuman-Centered Design | Malcolm Ché | TEDxLisboa