portal lore

Aperture Investment Opportunity #4: 'Boots'

Top 10 Facts - Portal

The Man That Hated Lemons | Cave Johnson | Full Portal Lore

portal 2 easter egg where glados won't let you softlock yourself

SECRET Boss Dialogue - Portal 2

Portal Lore: Cave Johnson | Video Game Lore

Passing A Portal Through Itself

Did you know that in PORTAL 2...

LORE - Portal Lore in a Minute REDUX (REUPLOAD)

Game Theory: Portal's Companion Cube has a Dark Secret

[SFM] GLaDOS’s New Hardware Upgrade #sfm #portal #portal2

The Disturbing Moments in Portal Iceberg Explained (Easter Eggs, Creepy Moments, Lore)

The Crazy Lore Of The Ruined Portal In Minecraft

Portal Is Perfect

L'iceberg de Portal.

This Portal Could Jumpscare You

Portal 2's Cut Protagonist | Mel | FULL Portal Lore & Cut Content

How Far Do You Fall in Portal 2?

Portal 2 - The Original Story Idea For GLaDOS

Portal 2 second ending you didn't know about!

Thanks, Wheatley

History of GLaDOS from Portal 2 #gaming

Portal: The Lore Behind GLaDOS

The Strange and Unseen History of Portal