ocean plastic

How We Can Keep Plastics Out of Our Ocean | National Geographic

Why 99% of ocean plastic pollution is 'missing'

A Plastic Ocean Official Trailer

Why recycled ocean plastic is (often) a lie

Most Ocean Plastic Flows From Rivers. Can Giant Trash Barriers Stop It? | World Wide Waste

The Ocean Cleanup’s System 03 Captures Record Amounts of Plastic From the Pacific

Everything We Know About Ocean Plastic Pollution So Far | The Ocean Cleanup

The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz

Cleaning Myrtle Beach | Plastic for dessert

Kids Take Action Against Ocean Plastic | Short Film Showcase

How It Started vs How It’s Going: 100 Plastic Extractions From the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Keeping an eye on ocean plastic pollution…from space!

POWERFUL VIDEO: Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans FOR GOOD | Oceana

How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?

Who is polluting the ocean with plastic?

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

WATCH This Modern Technology Remove MILLIONS of Plastics From The Ocean

System 03 Delivers: Our Biggest Plastic Extraction to Date

Why TeamSeas Doesn't Work: Their Interceptors

I Built a Guitar Out of Ocean Plastic

Interceptor Trashfence Stops a Plastic Tsunami in the World’s Most Polluting River (Then Fails)

Founder of The Ocean Cleanup is ridding the world of ocean plastic

Plastic Pollution is Killing Wildlife | Oceana Canada

Why Can’t We Scoop All the Plastic Out of the Ocean?