kim holderness

You Might Have ADHD - Original Song

#XMAS JAMMIES - Merry Christmas from the Holderness Family! | The Holderness Family

End of the Show - The Amazing Race (REM Parody)

Two Types of Airport People ✈️

Midwest First-Timer 🍻 (featuring @CharlieBerens)

Laundry Rewearing

Kim Takes a Pregnancy Test | The Holderness Family

ADHD In The Wild

#TBT Kim's Audition Reel from COLLEGE! | The Holderness Family

The 5 Stages of Costco

Our Dog Is Rapunzel

My Colonoscopy Journey

Teen Girl vs Boy Convos

Our 20s Self Had No Idea

'Christmas Jammies' Family Hits the Big Time with New Reality Show

Celebrating chores that are hard for us to complete… let’s goooo! #ADHD

Isn't a name change in order? #adhd #shorts28

90s Music vs Today

Penn and Kim Holderness talk new book on ADHD

My Husband Shopping

10 ADHD Lifehacks from Penn

My Wife Decluttering

The 7 Stages of New Year's Eve Pants

What a trick play by Kim 🎃 #halloween #marriedlife