
School Field Trips

Minimum wage jobs

Perks of being The Fat Kid

Public school food

Video games that haunted my childhood

Why I got an 'Abortion'

Tinder dating is weird (ft. SultanSketches)

Crushes, rejection, and break ups

Perks of going to the Psych Ward

Perks of getting your period (ft my mom)

Panic attacks

Birthday fights with my twin @SultanSketches​

Cursed childhood memories

Dating (when you're autistic)

I adopted another cat (ft Wolfychu)

What I learned on highschool swim

Why I don't use my real name

How I survived middle school mean girls

Fun times at the dentist :)

Family vacations that went wrong

would you still love me if I was a worm? #illymation

My Abusive (ex) Boyfriend's 'Girlfriend'

'L is For...' Film Animatic

send this to your friend when they say something awful