
Sollten wir mehr träumen? | 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles | ARTE

Die Toskana - Genuss und Lebensfreude im Herzen Italiens | SWR Doku

Das Geheimnis der Hieroglyphen | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Eine außergewöhnliche und andere Geschichte von Indien (1/2) | Doku HD | ARTE

Amsterdam am Limit: Lärm, Dreck & Sauftourismus | WDR Doku

Das Leben der Amish | Doku HD | ARTE

Lufta e Dytë Botërore | Sulmi Nazistë-ve | Dokumentar Shqip (Pjesa 1)

Wild Indonesia | Episode 1: Islands of Monsters | Free Documentary

🧒 'The Lost Children' Documentary Tops Netflix Charts Worldwide

Dick, dicker, fettes Geld | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

WONDERS OF PLANET EARTH | Most Magnificent Places | Travel Documentary 4K

Congo, Thrill of the River | Deadliest Journeys

Tokio - Die Stadtkultur von morgen | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Dokumentar - Meleket, engjejt dhe roli i tyre. A i ruajne njerezit? A marrin forme njerezore?

Surviving in India’s Manufacturing Slums – An Unfiltered Documentary

WILD YOSEMITE | The Battle for Survival Amidst Majestic Nature | Animal documentary

TSCHERNOBYL: Eine Autopsie der schwersten Atomkatastrophe der Welt | WELT HD Doku

Brenda Kullës së Haklajve - Dokumentar

North Korea - Faces of an Alienated Country

Estonia Och Myterna [Estonia & the Myths] | Vetenskapens Värld Dokumentär | HD

WILD YELLOWSTONE | Ruthless Predators and Majestic Wilderness | Nature animal documentary

The Depths of the North Sea: Life in the Cold Abyss | Secrets of the Seas Ep. 1 | 4K UHD Documentary

The Deadliest City in Mexico | Tijuana: 7 Murders a Day | Free Documentary

Wild Indonesia | Episode 2: Papua's Lost Worlds | Free Documentary Nature