
It's time for change, it's time for Linux.

The iPad Pro is pointless.

Bork Spec Flip Phones.

Google Glass, but it's 2024.

'Tech that let me down' Special 3

Nugg Lucky Dip: Bluetooth Speaker Edition

The 'Turbo, Turbo 6 FM/MP3 Music Player' Speaker.

I finally own the Dyson Zones.

Tech that DIDN'T let me down.

It's called the... Sound Burger??

The fugliest phone Nokia ever made.

The first ever Samsung 'Galaxy S'

Oh, you thought AirPods Max were expensive?

Back when the internet was fun. (1999 Apple iBook)

The Smasnug-nugg-a-thon.

The 'Artificial Intelligence' Rice Cooker.

The iDuck.

Oh no, cheap car speakers.

The 'Interchangeable Game Child'.

The 2024 Cashies Special.

The iCraig Tablet.

I found a nightmare.

I got 'Free AirPods' from Wish.com

The CHEAPEST iPod to modify