
I Made a Sword that Melts Everything

I Tested the Deadliest Ancient Weapons

I Built a Transparent Boomerang (it's lethal)

World's 5 Most Unique YoYos

$1 vs $2,500 Butterfly Knife

I Built a Gaming PC with No Experience

Learning Parkour with No Experience

I Learned 92 Skills in 2 Years, Can I Still Do Them?

I Built a Whip that Crushes Bones

I learned to delay my voice

I Learned to Throw Cards

Learning Butterfly Knife Tricks with No Experience

I Learned to Draw with No Experience

Cracking Any Lock from $1 to $500

Learning Impossible Skills (Level 1 to Level 100)

Learning The Hardest Skills in Sports

This is Why Combination Locks are Completely Useless

Learning 12 Skills, Beating 12 World Records

Learning YoYo Tricks with No Experience

Learning Nunchaku Tricks with No Experience

I Learned Pen Spinning Tricks with No Experience

How Dangerous is a Whip?

How Difficult Are Jumping Stilts?

Learning 11 Skills I Thought Were Impossible