Agios Porphyrios

I saw the Heaven! (voice of St. Porphyrios)

Voice of St. Porphyrios | A 'trick' to keep your inner peace | ✝ December 2nd

The root cause of depression (St. Porphyrios)

Divine Eros: Insatiable Love For Christ - St. Porphyrios

St. Porphyrios - An easy way to fight the devil

Divine Liturgy with Saint Porphyrios (Audio Recording)

Noetic Sound Waves of the Heart - From the Life of St. Porphyrios

Sermon by Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalyvia on Depression

Saint Porphyrius-Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia in Milesi, Attica

Wood carving a Saint on basswood - Agios Porphyrios

Apolytikion of St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia

Apolitikion Saint Porphyrios

Pray 100 Jesus prayers with elder Porphyrios

Honoring God In Sexual Relations — According to St. Porphyrios

What Saint Iakovos, Porphyrios and Paisios said about the Book of Psalms.

Ο Άγιος Πορφύριος λέει την Ευχή | Saint Porphyrios saying the Prayer

Sermon of Saint Porphyrios about Orthodox Christian Faith

Revelations and miracles from Saint Porphyrios / Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol

Two miracles of Saint Porphyrios in Greece

Holy Convent Transformation of the Savior | Founder: Saint Porphyrios #shorts

Miracles of Saint Porphyrios in Greece | Direct witness | Elder Christodoulos

An Unknown Prophecy of Saint Paisios about the Aftermath of the Third World War | Metr. Neophytos

Saint Paisios and the homosexual man | Mount Athos | testimony of a direct witness

St Paisios and the Theory of Evolution - Vision of God