Все публикации

If the tube is subjected to a uniform distributed torque of t = 1.2 kN⋅m/m - 5-24

Three forces are applied to a wheel of radius 0.350 m, as shown in Fig. E10.4 - 10.4

Boxes A and B are in contact on a horizontal, frictionless surface - 4.23

If M=10 kip⋅ft, determine the resultant force this moment exerts on the top and bottom - 6-51

If M=10 kip⋅ft, determine the maximum bending stress in the beam - 6-50

The assembly is made of A-36 steel. Determine the angle of twist at D - 5-54

The solid shaft is fixed to the support at C and subjected to the torsional loadings - 5-9

A machinist is using a wrench to loosen a nut. The wrench is 25.0 cm long - 10.7

A 15.0 kg stone slides down a snow-covered hill, leaving point A at a speed of 10.0 m/s - 7.45

A small rock with mass 0.20 kg is released from rest at point A, which is at the top edge - 7.9

Initially the 6.00 kg block is moving downward and the 8.00 kg block is moving to the right - 6-81

A 5.00 kg block is moving at υ0=6.00 m/s along a frictionless, horizontal surface - 6-79

Determine the largest intensity of distributed load w0 that the beam can support - 6-82

The man has a mass of 78 kg and stands motionless at the end of the diving board - 6-71

The beam is subjected to a moment of M=40 kN⋅m. Determine the bending stress - 6-62

Determine the absolute maximum shear stress developed in the shaft - 5-13

Determine the maximum shear stress developed in regions CD and DE of the shaft - 5-12

The copper pipe has an outer diameter of 40 mm and an inner diameter of 37 mm - 5-4

The 0.5-kg ball strikes the rough ground and rebounds with the velocities shown - F15-1

A 2.5-kg block is given an initial velocity of 3 m/s up a 45° smooth slope - 15-2

The composite beam is made of steel (A) bonded to brass (B) and has the cross section shown - 6-120

The 2-kg block B and 15-kg cylinder A are connected to a light cord that passes through - 13-58

If the motor exerts a force of F = (600 + 2s^2) N on the cable, determine the speed - F14-3

The spring is placed between the wall and the 10-kg block - F14-1