Все публикации

What is “Religion”? The Sociology of Religion

Jin Park - President American Academy of Religion

What is “Religion”? The Anthropology of Religion

What is “Religion”? Early Stages of Development

Jeanine Diller Models of God

Global-Critical Philosophy of Religion with Tim Knepper

What is Hopeful Theism? With Fidel Arnecillo

What is Contextual Theology?

Marxism and Religion with Ben Burgis

What Happens When Religious Symbols No Longer Work?

What is Deconstruction?

Can We Compare Religions?

Should We All Agree? Pluralism vs. Consensus

Heidegger and Religion?

How Did We Get The Bible?

What Language Does God Speak?

How Do We Understand Religion?

What is Hermeneutics?

After Deconstruction

Tillich vs Panikkar

Hermeneutics of Religion Ricoeur-style

What's So Special About Paul Tillich?

I Deconstructed?

Is God Created?