Все публикации

I Tested a £1 Billion Football Pitch

I did the 20 WORST things a Footballer can do

Pro Keeper vs. World's Biggest Goalie Gloves

I Tested LUXURY Football Products

I Made an invisible Football

I Tested Football Products from the FUTURE!

I Tested DANGEROUS Football Products (at my own risk)

If You Can do THIS, You have Top 5% Football Ability

I Tested a 2,500 Year Old Football

I made my own EURO 2024 Commercial

I tried Footballers Extreme Training Methods

Pro Keeper Tests Famous Goalkeeper MYTHS

7 ways to improve your old Football

I tried 7 Ridiculous ways that people play Football!

I Tested 100 Football Experiments

I Restored this 100 year old Football to it's former Glory

Do these WEIRD Football Products actually work?

I took shots until I Scored a Goal worthy of a PUSKAS Award

I Tested 1-Star Football Products

I Tested Football Boots made ONLY For WOMEN

I tried playing Football... but the Year is 2050

£1 vs £1,000,000 vs £1 Billion FOOTBALL PITCH - What's the difference?

I Bought FAKE Jabulani Footballs to see if they work

Testing how Good a SEMI-PRO Footballer REALLY is