Все публикации

“King of Pop” Michael Jackson dies at age 50

“E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” released

James Earl Ray, suspect in Martin Luther King Jr.

Chief Seattle dies near the city named for him

Sitting president Franklin Pierce denied his

Six Day War begins

Rock ‘n’ roll is banned in Santa Cruz, California

Future President Hoover caught in Boxer Rebellion

British Colonel Tarleton gives “quarter” in South Carolina

Palestine Liberation Organization is founded

The Battle of Tsushima Strait

“Dracula” goes on sale in London

British naval convoy system introduced

The War of the Roses begins

King George III approves the Coercive Acts in response to the Boston Tea Party

President Lincoln proposes equal treatment of soldiers’ dependents

The FBI Laboratory weighs in on the “dirty” lyrics of “Louie Louie”l

U.S. Congress passes Sedition Act

Parliament enacts the Quartering Act

President Clinton apologizes to China for embassy bombing

Pope John Paul II shot

Americans suffer worst defeat of revolution at Charleston

Confederate President Jefferson Davis captured by Union forces

President Nixon meets with anti-war protesters at the Lincoln Memorial