Все публикации

031-(SETUP) GMP on Windows, MPFRC++

030- (SETUP) GMP on Windows, MPIR, MPFR

021- Moment of Inertia, Green Theorem for Area, Centroid, System of Nonlinear Equations

013- Riemann Metric Tensor and First Fundamental Form

012- Differential Geometry in Action. Numpy, Scipy, Python vs. C++ Library Extensions!

004- Solve Hessian Matrix and Eigenvalues, Advanced C++ Programming

003- Understand Hessian Matrix, Physical Meaning of Hessian Matrix, Taylor Series

003- Module Implementation Unit, /TP /interface

014- FFT 2/2, Higher Order Derivatives With FFT Algorithm and Taylor Series

010-CUDA, Complex 04, Operator Overloading 1/2 for Complex Numbers

009-CUDA, Complex 03, Concepts for Complex Numbers, cet::once, Cuda_TypeCategory, Debugging

008- CUDA, Complex 02, Implement Data-Parallel Complex Number class for CUDA compiler

074- Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals, Jacobian Matrix and Determinant 3

072- Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals, Jacobian Matrix and Determinant 1

071- How to Use Operable Variables for Advanced Calculus, Divergence Theorem, Surface Integral

013-Special Relativity 3 - Velocity Transformation, Velocity Addition

076- (In Korean) How to Create Shader Library For the First Time in the History of OpenGL

071 - Uniform Block 3, Vertex Array Object or vao, attribindex vs. bindingindex, glBindVertexBuffer

070- The Most Silly Songs Ever - OpenGL Stupid Songs

069 - Uniform Block 2, Uniform Block Binding Point vs Uniform Block Index, GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER

068 - Uniform Block 1, Uniform Block Song, Linear Interpolation mix Hermite Interpolation smoothstep

066- OGPG9 03, OpenGL Texture In Gory Detail, Sampler, Texture Swizzle, glTextureParameter

062- OGSB7 12, Physical Simulation: Spring-Mass System 5, Catenary, Vibration and Damping (Reloaded)

063- OGSB7 13, OpenGL Geometry Shader for the First Time, glDrawElements