069 - Uniform Block 2, Uniform Block Binding Point vs Uniform Block Index, GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER

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Previous Videos

068 - Uniform Block 1, Uniform Block Song, Linear Interpolation mix Hermite Interpolation smoothstep

067-(SETUP) Install the Unreal Game Engine

066- OGPG9 03, OpenGL Texture In Gory Detail, Sampler, Texture Swizzle, glTextureParameter

065- OGPG9 02, Normalized, Interpolated, Interleaved Buffer, Stride, offsetof, glVertexAttribPointer

064- OGPG9 01, OpenGL Texture for the First Time, OpenGL Texture Song

063- OGSB7 13, OpenGL Geometry Shader for the First Time, glDrawElements

062- OGSB7 12, Physical Simulation: Spring-Mass System 5, Catenary, Vibration and Damping

061- OGSB7 11, Computer Simulation Can Be Simpler Than You May Think It Is

060- OGSB7 10, Physical Simulation: Spring-Mass System 4, Transform Feedback, Double Buffering

059- OGSB7 09, Physical Simulation: Spring-Mass System 3, Multiple Vertex Array Objects

058- OGSB7 08, Physical Simulation: Spring-Mass System 2, Multi Points Initialization

057- OGSB7 07, Physical Simulation: Spring-Mass System 1, Hook's Law and Damping

056- OGSB7 06, Instancing 2 - Instanced Drawing, Glass Field, glActiveTexture, glDrawArraysInstanced

055- OGSB7 05, Instancing 1 - Instanced Drawing

054- Bitwise Operations and Random Number Generator

053- OGSB7 04, Instanced Drawing, glDrawArraysInstanced(), glVertexAttribDivisor()

039- (SETUP) OpenGL Windows Command-line, Windows on Command Prompt, /SUBSYSTEM:console

038- OpenGL Experiment 2, Matrix Stack, glPushMatrix(), glPopMatrix()

037- OpenGL Experiment 1, Clipping Plane, Matrix Stack

036- (SETUP) Environment Variables for OpenGL Tools, Simple Experiments with OpenGL

035- (SETUP) OpenGL Tools, C++ Library Extensions, Commandline Prompts for CUDA and DPC++


1. C++ Library Extensions

2. OpenGL Tools

OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.5 with SPIR-V

Sample Code

OpenGL Superbible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference

Sample Code

Command Prompts and Icons


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