Все публикации

061- OGSB7 11, Computer Simulation Can Be Simpler Than You May Think It Is

056- OGSB7 06, Instancing 2 - Instanced Drawing, Glass Field, glActiveTexture, glDrawArraysInstanced

054- Bitwise Operations and Random Number Generator

053- OGSB7 04, Instanced Drawing, glDrawArraysInstanced(), glVertexAttribDivisor()

050- OGPG9 08, OpenGL Compute Shader Parallel Prefix Sum 1

049- OGPG9 07, OpenGL Compute Shader and Texture, sampler2D, image2D

043- OGPG9 03, Indexed Drawing 2, glDrawElements, OpenGL Camera Eye, frustum, aspect ratio

042- OGPG9 02, Indexed Drawing 1, glDrawElements, glNamedBufferData, glNamedBufferSubData, uniform

039- (SETUP) OpenGL Windows Command-line, Windows on Command Prompt, /SUBSYSTEM:console

038- OpenGL Experiment 2, Matrix Stack, glPushMatrix(), glPopMatrix()

037- OpenGL Experiment 1, Clipping Plane, Matrix Stack

035- (SETUP) OpenGL Tools, C++ Library Extensions, Commandline Prompts for CUDA and DPC++

034- (SETUP) Microsoft Visual Studio, Nvidia CUDA, OpenCL C++ Headers

033 - OpenCL 5, OpenCL C++ Interface

032 - OpenGL, MFC and CUDA Integration

031- OpenCL 4, SYCL and OpenCL Interoperability, DPC++, get_native, make_context, make_device

030- OpenCL 3, Naive Matrix Multiplication with OpenCL

029- OpenCL 2, OpenCL Basic Programming Step By Step, OpenCL Books and References

028-(SETUP)OpenCL 1, OpenCL Offline Compiler ocloc, OpenCL device, OpenCL Double-Precision with CUDA

027- SYCL 8 - Tiled Matrix Multiplication with ND-Range Kernel , local memory accessor

025- SYCL 6 - Masturbait SYCL Hierarchical Parallel Kernel Completely, Warp vs Sub-group

024- SYCL 5 - Learn SYCL ND-range Parallel Kernel Perfectly

022- CUDA 3 - Why CUDA over SYCL? CUDA Lambda and Disable Warning

020- CUDA 2 - Hello CUDA, reinterpret_cast, type-cast pointer to array