Все публикации

Learn about my mobility membership Kinstretch With Beard!

Why mobility training is THE MOST IMPORTANT form of training!! #mobility #mobilitytraining

If we lived how we train #fitnessfunny #fitness #funnyvideo #fitfam

Humans were meant to be athletic and mobile #mobility #fitness #mobilitytraining #mobilitymatters

Getting off the floor when you have good mobility #mobility #mobilitymatters #mobilitytraining

Are you tired of spraining your ankles?? #shorts #mobilitytraining

Kinstretch With Beard Sample Class

Don’t make this “mobility” mistake!! #mobilitytraining #mobility #shorts

Do you get injured due to poor mobility?! #shorts #mobilitytraining

Don’t put constraints on movement!! #shorts #mobility #mobilitytraining

Do you get off the floor like?? #shorts #mobilitytraining #mobility

It’s NOT your age, it’s your joint health!! #shorts #mobilitytraining

This is why you should do mobility training!! #shorts #mobility

Getting off the floor is easier with better mobility #shorts #mobilitytraining

Why only train to look good?! Train to MOVE good #shorts #mobility #mobilitytraining

Mobility training IS strength training (for our joints)!! #shorts #mobility #mobilitytraining

Not doing mobility cause it hurts?? OR hurting cause you don’t do mobility? #shorts #mobility

We were born to be mobile and athletic #shorts #mobility #mobilitytraining

OMG Becky look at her (ROM) #shorts #mobilitytraining #mobility

“How did you get your mobility?” #shorts #mobilitytraining #funny

Mobility training is MORE than just range of motion!! #shorts #mobility

There is no BAD posture!! (Read pinned comment) #shorts #mobilitytraining

What’s the point of aesthetics IF your body is stiff and broken down?? #shorts #mobility

Todays lifestyle has left us stiff and fragile #shorts #mobilitytraining