Все публикации

Critical Essay on Finnegans Wake | A Literature Review for Interpreting the Wake

The Winding Wake: Circular Geometry and Escaping the Hermeneutic Circle in Finnegans Wake

Jews are not the Chosen People | The Biblical Roots of Zionism and its Tragic Results

Common Sense and Philosophy: Friends or Foes?

Why Idealism is Nonsense

John Dewey on 'The Influence of Darwinism on Philosophy' | A Pragmatist Revolution

Foucault on the Creation of Knowledge and the Subject in 'Truth and Juridical Forms'

Slavoj Zizek's 'Violence' | Ideology and the Sanctioning of Violence

What to Expect in Undergrad Philosophy Exams | A Guide and Deep Dive

Weber's Theory of Capitalist Development and the Origins of the 'Calling' | The Protestant Ethic

Do Deleuze and Guattari Want You to be Schizophrenic? | Deleuze and Guattari Concept in Focus

William James on Practical Theism and Spiritual Experiences | American Pragmatism

Joshua Pederson 'The Gospel of Thomas Pynchon: Abandoning Eschatology in Gravity's Rainbow' | #8

James Rankin 'A New Election, A New Preterition' | #7

Thomas Bass 'Gravity's Rainbow as Orphic Text' | #6

The Gospel of Thomas | Christian Mysticism and Non Duality

David Letzler 'A Phenomenology of the Present: Toward a Digital Understanding of Gravity's Rainbow'

Kathryn Hume 'Repetition and the Construction of Character in Gravity's Rainbow' | #4

Brian McHale 'Pynchon's Postmodernism' | #2

Peter L. Cooper 'Signs and Symptoms' | #1

Charles S. Peirce 'Some Consequences of Four Incapacities' | A Dismantling of Cartesianism

Jonathan Swift's 'A Modest Proposal' | Colonialism, Satire, and Power

Plato's Republic | Book 1: Power, Justice, and Advantage

The Life, Poetry, and Thought of Gerard Manley Hopkins