Все публикации

Day 133: Instancing with cascaded shadow maps

Day 130: Cascaded shadow maps

Skybox reflections on water

Terrain and water rendering with tessellation in OpenGL, inceasing the size of the scene

Water rendering with tessellation and bump mapping in OpenGL

Terrain rendering: Debugging normals with geometry shader

Displacement and Normal mapping with Tessellation shaders in OpenGL

Day 115 billy: Entering houses

Marching cubes animation

Molecular Visualization in Virtual Reality

Day 106 billy: Interacting with lights

Volumetric Rendering with interactive transfer function

Rope and cloth simulation with particles

Procedural city generation in Blender

Crowd simulation with cally3d

Fluid grid rendering

3D jelly object rendering with particles

Ray casting using an octree holding triangles

Ray casting using an octree holding vertices


Day 100 billy Ambient Occlusion

Day 100 billy: Creating maps

Day 90 billy

Day 68 billy, and then, there was light...