Все публикации

ChatGPT creates a python script to chat with ChatGPT in command prompt

Making a rocking chair

Modeling a 3D rocking chair in blender

Making a welding table

DIY triangular metal shelf for a sharpener

I made a metal door

I made a text editor in under 50 lines of pure JavaScript

Giveaway to grow in baguazhang

Relax shoulders & drop elbows in baguazhang

Opening & Closing Qigong Exercises

#8 Morning routines

#7 Play time

#4 Rewinding Life

#3 Christmas with my dad

#2 Qigong Lifestyle

#1 Cleanup & Go

I ported 3D Graphics Engine by @javidx9 from C++ to Javascript

Pointers might get really tricky in JavaScript

3D shading in pure JavaScript - rotating cube

3D rasterization in pure JavaScript - rotating cube

My binary logic simulator performance boost

Making logic gates from switches and inverters

Implementing Minecraft Redstones & Torches Digital Logic In Pure JavaScript

Shuxin Pingxue Gong | Xiaoyao bu | Yangsheng Taiji Zhang