3D rasterization in pure JavaScript - rotating cube

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Dedicated to those who love javidx9's 3D engine tutorial series but hates C++ and wants to
follow his tutorials in pure JavaScript

Help me and my family to survive the war in Ukraine:

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Source code:

00:00 A little story behind this port
01:55 I never thought I would have a need to learn how 3D graphics work
02:30 One Lone Coder's 3D engine tutorials
05:05 Some issues behind javidx9's truly perfectly didactic implementation
06:10 JavaScript clone demo in a web browser
06:40 Code adoption details
Рекомендации по теме

Help me and my family to survive the war in Ukraine:

00:00 A little story behind this port
01:55 I never thought I would have a need to learn how 3D graphics work
02:30 One Lone Coder's 3D engine tutorials
05:05 Some issues behind javidx9's truly perfectly didactic implementation
06:10 JavaScript clone demo in a web browser
06:40 Code adoption details
