Все публикации

History Buffs: Narcos Season Three - Part Two

Robin Hoods' White Horse Problem

When Medieval England Declared War with Swans

Did Ridley Scott copy Saving Private Ryan?

History Buffs: Robin Hood

History Buffs: The Crucible

History Buffs: Outlaw King

The real story behind the surrender scene in A Bridge Too Far

History Buffs: The Man in the Iron Mask

Why the radios failed in A Bridge Too Far

Why Queens' drummer locked himself in a cupboard

The biggest inaccuracy in The Aeronauts

The dumbest inaccuracy in A Bridge Too Far

Navigating the Arctic in the Victorian era

How Bob Geldof lied to get Queen for Live Aid

The dark side of Queen Elizabeth

Pablo Escobar's mother was more evil than you think

When Freddie Mercury watched Wayne's World

Was Javier Peña tied to Los Pepes?

Who was the man who ate his own shoes?

Jordan Belforts prison experience

The mystery behind The Franklin Expedition

Meet the Duchess of Bay Ridge

The real Death of Stalin