Все публикации

How to install the Video Game Module❓ #electronics #flipperzero #raspberrypi #hardware #diy

Introducing the Video Game Module, developed in collaboration with Raspberry Pi @raspberrypi

How to detect the frequency of an RFID reader❓Install the Detector app on Flipper Zero to find out!

Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for pentesters and geeks. #flipperzero

Tons of new apps, including the DOOM in community driven Apps Catalog! #flipperzero

Now you can install Apps for your #flipperzero from the latest version of “Flipper Mobile App” 🐬

Emulate NFC business cards with Flipper Zero!🐬 Store any number of cards in its memory #flipperzero

Debug Log in Flipper Zero 🐬 lets you look under the hood of Flipper’s system #flipperzero

Meet Roman Galeev, the designer of Flipper Zero #flipperzero #technology #geek #tech

🐬 Flipper Zero detects 125kHz RFID cards protocol and modulation automatically #flipperzero

🔋Flipper Zero just got 1 month of battery life with the new firmware! #flipperzero #geek #tech

How to reboot Flipper Zero when it doesn’t respond? #flipperzero #gadgets #hardware #geek

How to start using Flipper Zero & update firmware via PC #flipperzero #gadgets #hardware

Flipper Zero can read Animals ID RFID tags via 125kHz feature #flipperzero #shiba

How to use Frequency Analyzer on Flipper Zero #flipperzero

Signal Generator — New feature in Flipper Zero

The process of updating firmware on Flipper Zero looks like a truly work of art #flipperzero

How to scroll shorts using your Flipper Zero #flipperzero

Flipper Zero hidden menu for developers

Making Devboard for Flipper Zero in Altium

Latest Sample of Flipper Zero

Flipper Zero — Changing Boot Screen Image on ThinkPad's UEFI

Flipper Zero — GPIO Fuzzer