Все публикации

UPDATE: 'I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage' (New Footage)

Could This Tiny Particle be Responsible for the Death of the Universe? w/ Oem Trivedi

'I Work At NOAA. Extraterrestrials Are Under The Oceans...'

EXTREMELY Close Up Footage of UFO 'Broiling Like the Sun' - Matches Congressional Description

I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage

'Has Any Non-Human Made Contact?': Witness Grilled; Shares Stunning Details On Alien Bodies

'UFOs Becoming More Provokative': Stunning Revelations By Fmr DOD Official

Pentagon Releases NEW UFO Footage TODAY - Nov. 19th, 2024

Private companies are working on UAP Technology?

'..has US gov conducted secret crash retrieval programs? YES.' - Fmr. Pentago UFO Hunter

'..real advanced technologies not made by man.' -- Fmr. Pentagon UFO Hunter Mr. Elizondo

'We are having multiple (UAP) mid air near collisions' - US Navy Commander to Congress

How Did the Universe Come from Nothing?

We FINALLY Understand Why Tardigrades are Practically Invicible

Did We Just Discover 'Dark' Oxygen on Earth?

The BIGGEST Explosion We've Ever Seen in the Universe

No One Knows What These Little Red Dots from JWST Are...

Is Planet X Hiding in a 'Fractal' Orbit?

Could the Universe Just STOP? - Bizarre New Research Findings

New Evidence Reveals Imprints of a Previous Universe

4 Most Bizarre Ways the Universe Could End

Fly Into the SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE at the Center of our Galaxy

STRONGER Than Black Holes: The Mystery of Cosmic Strings

CAN WE..BLOW UP THE SUN via Insertion of a...? Perhaps...