Все публикации

Introduction to Roland Barthes's Mythologies: Semiotics Part 2

An Introduction to Semiotics

Introduction to the French New Wave

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: From Caligari to Hitler

German Expressionism's Influences

Introduction to German Expressionist Cinema

Stanley Cavell's The World Viewed

2 Modes of Film Analysis: Poetics vs Hermeneutics

The Four Levels of Meaning in Film Interpretation

Christian Metz's The Imaginary Signifier: Psychoanalysis and the Cinema

Siegfried Kracauer's 'The Mass Ornament,' Explained

Gilles Deleuze's Cinema Books Part 3: The Frame

Gilles Deleuze's Cinema Books Part 2: The Movement-Image Ch. 1

Introduction to Film Genre, Part 1

Andre Bazin's 'The Myth of Total Cinema'

Hito Steyerl's 'In Defense of the Poor Image'

Digital Photography, Truth Claims, and C.S. Peirce's Indexicality

What is Classical Hollywood Narration?

Plot Vs Story

Roland Barthes's 'Death of the Author,' Explained

Christian Metz's Film Semiotics Part 2: Syntagmatic vs Paradigmatic

Christian Metz's Semiotic Film Theory

Diegetic vs Nondiegetic Sound Part 3: Voiceover

Diegetic and Nondiegetic Sound, Part 2: Blurring the Boundary