Все публикации

MPCNC first moves!

MPCNC - Corner block replacement

UMBQ - 3D Printed Angle arm edition - Maiden Flight

Every last bit

MPCNC - Rebuilding the Z assembly.

Where has Jason been?

dRonin on the emax Nighthawk 280 Pro - Part 2 - Basic Setup

dRonin on the emax Nighthawk 280 Pro - Part 1 - Flashing

6 Linklings (3.25 hour print)

YKS Brushless 250 Quadcopter Motors in the air

Not useless to me

It runs!

YKS Brushless 250 Quadcopter Motor install on Emax Nighthawk 250

3D printed in place gears - that work!

Folger Tech RepRap 2020 Prusa i3 - Noisy X Axis

The Penguin - 3D Print timelapse

Folger Tech RepRap 2020 Prusa i3 - First print

Folger Tech RepRap 2020 Prusa i3 - Build timelapse - Part 2

3rd time's not always a charm

Folger Tech RepRap 2020 Prusa i3 - Build timelapse - Part 1

4 way flash on the 280 Nighthawk pro ESC's

dRonin - autotune on emax nighthawk pro 280

Turnigy 9x - modifications and hacks. Part 1

Autotune and trying out acroPlus on my BrainFPV powered hex