Все публикации

History Teaching - Dustin Murray

Spanish History Translation - Rosa Baranda

SASA Virtual Conference Day 2 (Take 2)

Queens of Jerusalem with Katherine Pangonis

SASA Virtual Conference Day 2

Who are the Moirai or Fates of Greek Mythology?

The Northern Hemisphere Climate Anomaly with Tim Pauketat

The Legacy of Rome and Western Bureaucracy with Peter Stothard

The Depiction of Sultan Süleyman Throughout his Life with Kaya Şahin

What Was Tutankhamun Buried With?

The Rise and Fall of the Mali Empire

Women in the Ancient Near East with Amanda Podany

Shattering the Myth of the Fall of the Aztecs

History of the English East India Company

The Real History of Byzantium

What Was Plato's Academy in Ancient Athens?

Exploring Viking History with Bill Arnott

The History of Japanese Green Tea

Did the richness of the Phrygian capital Gordion inspire the myth of King Midas?

The Rise and Fall of the Ghana Empire of West Africa

A Fascinating Story Of The Niger River

Unveiling Slavic Myths - A Conversation With Noah And Svetlana

Vampires and Werewolves Were the Same Creatures?!?

Ancient vs Modern Ancestry - Markus Kangas of My True Ancestry