Все публикации

Charlie Munger - 24 Standard Causes of Human Misjudgment in 15 minutes

Carol Dweck - The power of growth mindset

Milton Friedman - Free immigration & welfare

Coleman Hughes - Can we get rid of racism?

Milton Friedman - The 4 ways to spend money

Warren Buffett - How to think about politics

Daniel Kahneman - You believe in arguments that fit your beliefs

Milton Friedman - Pencil lesson

Should you change your job? Jordan Peterson explains risks of (not) quitting your job

Daniel Kahneman explains the focusing illusion

Travis Bradberry - 3 tips to improve your EQ and self-control

Warren Buffett- Habits matter if you want to reach your full potential

Choices for success by Michael Dubin co-founder of Dollar Shave Club

Daniel Kahneman - Make it easy principle

Jeff Bezos - Stress management

Elon Musk - Advice to young entrepreneurs

Charlie Munger - 8 ideas to improve your life and become successful