Все публикации

How to Calculate the Effect Size for the Independent Samples t Test

Effect Size for the One Sample t Test

How to Transpose (Flip Rows and Columns) in Google Sheets

Correlation in Google Sheets - Multiple Variables

A look at the t test vs the ANOVA

Post hoc Tests - ANOVA

How to Calculate a Correlation Matrix in Excel

How to Save SPSS Output in Word

How to Write the Results for an ANOVA

Calculate a Correlation in Google Sheets; Pearson's r; How to calculate r

How to Run a One-Way ANOVA in SPSS; ANOVA; F Test; Post Hoc Test

How to Calculate a Frequency Distribution Table (Second Example)

How to Calculate a Correlation in Excel - Pearson's r; Linear Relationship

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity - Test a Correlation Matrix

New YT Channel, Office Pros!

How to Interpret a Correlation Matrix

Coefficient Alpha - SPSS; Reliability; Cronbach's Alpha; Internal Consistency

How to Calculate a Frequency Distribution Table; Frequency Table

Types of Rotation in Factor Analysis - Orthogonal and Oblique; Varimax; Oblimim

Factor Loadings - What do they Mean? Factor Analysis; PCA; Eigenvalues

How to Calculate a Standard Deviation and Variance; Variability - Statistics

Is p less than .05? P-Value; Significance Testing; Hypothesis Testing; Reject Null Hypothesis

How to Interpret a Scree Plot in Factor Analysis; EFA; Eigenvalue; PCA

How to Test a Correlation for Significance